
04 October 2010

Little Stalky Gets the Hiccups

Oh how I hate hiccups.  They're so annoying.  And seem to take ages to go away!  It doesn't help that I have hiccups as I'm trying to update my blog.  It makes typing a little tricky and I'm receiving constant abuse from Mystical Roo and Bob-A-Roony in the form of mocking, teasing and attempted theft of my double decker.  And I'm not talking about a bus!  I don't hiccup in a nice lady-like way either.  I have full on, Stalky jumping, squeaky sounding, bad ass hiccups.  Thank God I'm just in the office with Mystical Roo and co and not at other work.  If I had to serve customers today I think I'd scare them all away.  I don't know what triggered this burst of hiccups.  I just got up to steal something from Mystical Roo's desk, sat back down again and voila.  Hiccups.  Maybe it's hiccup karma for stealing from Mystical Roo's desk.  But honestly, I only took the bog roll to wipe something from my desk.  Surely I don't deserve the wrath of the hiccups of doom.  I've been trying to hold my breath to rid myself of these hiccups but all this results in is a slightly quieter hiccup followed by much panting from a Little Stalky who's been holding her breath too long.  I even tried swallowing three times in a row, which is really hard by the way, and still I have the hiccups.  Well, Mystical Roo and Bob-A-Roony are getting their comeuppance for mocking me.  Now they have to put up with my hiccups all afternoon.  Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Boo! (Have they gone now?) Try drinking from the wrong side of a glass.


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