Travelling back from Sydney with my trusty Mystical Roo I had an urge for a Happy Meal. As you do. So Mystical Roo dutifully pulled off the road and directed us towards the drive-thru where I thought we could whip in, whip out and get our butts back on the road. But nothing is so simple in Little Stalky world. Is it Stalky fans!? There are two lanes, if you like, leading in and we of course selected the one that would move at snail's pace. In fact, there was only one car in front of us but the occupant was obviously either ordering for fifty or having trouble making a decision. Either way we were stuck behind that white car whilst all sorts of mayhem unfolded on the other side of us. I figure the drive-thru is a fairly straight forward kind of thing. You place your order at the speaker thingy, you drive through (the clue is in the title) and pay for your meal and then you drive through again to collect your meal. Then you eat your meal and play with your happy meal toy. So first of all this woman came flying towards the drive thru, totally missed where the entrance was and ended up driving up the wrong side of the drive thru into a dead end. She had obviously realised her mistake and started to reverse but this proved to be a trickier task than one would think. So whilst the woman was zig zagging her way away from the dead end this other dude comes whizzing into the drive thru. He doesn't miss the entrance but he does miss the speaker. After failing to stop to actually place his order he gets down to the "collection zone" and then he too has to reverse back out of the drive thru. So Mystical Roo and I are still stuck behind the driver in the white car watching with raised eyebrows as two drivers try to reverse their way out their mistakes. The introduction of the second reversing car is obviously too much for the first woman and the second car seems unaware that there's another car also trying to maneuver. Two cars reversing in the same space. It's too much! Too much! At this point our white car finally got his butt moving and we were able to proceed so I never did find out whether those two got out of their tangle. And it wasn't just the cars getting themselves into all kinds of mischief. It turns out the McDonalds lady had got herself in a bit of a flap too and had charged the white car for my Happy Meal and was trying to charge us for whatever it was he had ordered. Apparently just the single meal so God knows why it had taken him so long to choose. Perhaps it wasn't him after all. Perhaps it was the McDonalds lady. So I watched as my Happy Meal got handed to the car in front, returned from the car in front as the McDonalds lady desperately tried to get assistance from anyone who would listen to her. Poor girl. The whole crazy situation was finally sorted out just as one of the reversing cars arrived behind us. Looks like they did manage to untangle themselves. We made a hasty exit from that madhouse, keen to put as much distance between us and those dodgy drivers from the beginning of the story. We drove back towards home with me eating the square chips and Mystical Roo eating the pointy ones. A happy ending.
I've NEVER eaten at a McDonald restaurant. But if one day I had too, is this what I could expect? No thanks!!!