Little Stalky Gets Bored
I've noticed recently that when I'm bored I seem to channel all of my energy towards Mystical Roo. Regardless of what he's doing. And it's not that I want to interrupt Mystical Roo whilst he's in the middle of reading his book or something it's just that I get so caught up waffling I forget that I might be disturbing him. I know it's hard to imagine me as a chatterbox but really, I do go on a bit sometimes. I think it's hereditary. So Mystical Roo can be happily minding his own business and I'll decide to start wittering on about something totally irrelevant, random or more often than not disgusting. And he'll look at me as if to say why now? Why do you decide you want to chat now? Because I'm bored and want attention. And I think sometimes Mystical Roo can block me out if he wants to but that only leads to various counterattacks where I'll decide I want to play with Mystical Roo's hair, or pick resin of his leg, or launch objects at him from behind the sofa. Poor Mystical Roo. He takes a lot of flack.
Try singing instead.