The Anti Hoon
I'm getting sick of the bloody hoons around here. Yes, hoons! Boy racers. Hooligans. Miscreants who are causing havoc and disturbing the peace! Bloody hoons. In their stupid noisy cars, with their stupid spoilers and stupid blacked out windows and stupid loud music. Stupid. I rant because they're blighting our lovely little town with boorish behaviour and irresponsible driving. In the middle of the night you can hear them doing circuits with their tyres squealing and engines revving. In the day time you can actually see the buggers as they take the corners too fast and don't look as they approach the roundabouts. One of them was showing off the other day and nearly lost control of the car. That would be great wouldn't it. Because a stupid hoon was doing something reckless in a car they lose control and plough down a bunch of pedestrians. I can't believe these people are actually allowed behind the wheel of car! It's a little terrifying. And you know that when they do inevitably cock up it won't be the one behind the wheel who ends up hurt. They have no right to go speeding through the town with no thought for the people who actually live here. Mystical Roo and I were considering some sort of protest with signs on the zebra crossing, choosing to let through only those we considered non hoon like but then we figured we'd probably get run over. The zebra crossing is evidently invisible to many hoons. So I guess we'll just have to put up with it until someone with more authority than Little Stalky decides to take action. Maybe I'll have a word with our local MP. For the time being I choose to ignore their attention seeking behaviour and scowl at their stupid spoilers.
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