Itchy Nose of Doom
Oh there's pollen in the air at the moment. I can feel it. Literally! God damned stupid hay fever. I wondered whether I might be cured with my move to Australia, what with being by the see and all but apparently not. Today it's the itchy nose that's driving me loopy. And the sensation that I'm about to sneeze but never quite do. I end up looking like a dirty little nose picker because I have to keep scratching and rubbing my nose. No doubt (or nose doubt, tee hee) I now look like Rudolph! Bah! I'm never quite sure what sets my hay fever off as I don't coordinate with Monster Noggins' hay fever attacks and I don't suffer on a daily basis. I've come to the conclusion that it must just be some pollens that set me off and that I don't encounter them all the time. People are always telling me to take hay fever tablets but they just knock me for six. Even the non drowsy ones have me heavy eyed and dribbling. And lets be honest, heavy eyed and dribbling is not a good look for work. And I don't like feeling sleepy all the time. So I just put up with the itchy nose and the not quite sneezing sneezes. Or rather I blog about them as a way of venting my frustration. But I shouldn't complain. There are much worse things in life than hay fever!
Hmm, like land dwelling sharks, hoons, shouty people, creepy car man, bluebottles in the sea, daytime TV, demonic household appliances. Need I go on. Hee hee.
ReplyDeleteTake two small balls of cotton wool. Insert into nostrils. Breathe no pollen. Look like prat.
ReplyDeleteOr, just suffer like everyone else.
Ah yes, there is much adventure in the land of Stalky. I like the cotton wool idea. Might have to give this a go..........