Little Stalky Meets a Flower Spider
I was happily minding my own business, heading towards the kitchen in search of snacks when something bright caught my eye. I turned back towards the sofa and realised the thing that had caught my eye was in fact a fluorescent spider! It was bright green with a yellow butt and a red blob. Crazy random spider. Now I'm not particularly fussed by spiders but living in the land of Oz I thought I'd best use caution. You never know which spiders are the bitey, try and kill you variety. So I eyed my fluorescent spider thinking that Mystical Roo would approve of the colours and wondered whether I should try and usher it outside or let it be. The spider hadn't made any move to flee but it was wagging it's legs at me in what I can only assume was a kind of spider version of shaking ones fist. I figured the spider probably didn't approve of me looming over it. I tried to take a picture of it using my phone but with bad zoom and a seriously shaky hand I didn't have much success. I suppose a phone is a phone. There's only so much it can do. Especially with me in the driving seat. So I left my little fluorescent spider chilling on the sofa and decided to google it just to check if I was in danger of being nibbled. It took me a while but I think I finally identified it as a flower spider. Harmless to humans. Phew. With my harmless flower spider seemingly happy in his spot and with a name as friendly as flower spider I thought I'd leave him be. He stayed there all afternoon, even until Mystical Roo came home. I introduced them but Mystical Roo was greeted by more spider fist shaking. Mystical Roo was back into photographer mode and promptly got his proper camera to photograph my little friend. We then decided it was probably time he went back outside. We wouldn't want to sit on the poor little bugger or anything. So Mystical Roo found him a nice leaf and we haven't heard from him since.
I am plagued by 'invisible spiders'. They work non-stop at weaving webs, but I very rarely see any. Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteAh the invisible spiders. I know them well.
ReplyDeleteShe looks like a very pretty spider. I think cobwebs are worse than the actual spider. Yuk!