
07 July 2011

Bog Roll Etiquette

I've been pondering etiquette again today; specifically toilet paper on the foot.  Bog roll etiquette.  Why was I pondering this?  I honestly have no idea.  Maybe it's because I've just changed the roll in the bathroom (I'm good like that).  It's best not to think too much about my thought processes.  But regardless, this is what I've been thinking about.  Bog roll etiquette and what to do when you see someone with toilet paper stuck to their shoe.  Surely if you had toilet paper stuck to your foot then you'd want to be told.  I know I would be.  I know I would be yet I don't always tells someone if they have toilet paper stuck to their foot.  And it's not because I'm evil.  Because I'm not.  Mostly not.  But I think I umm and err so long about the etiquette of telling someone that they have toilet paper stuck to their foot that the moment passes and the person is out the door.  Out the door and walking down the street with a bit of bog roll wrapped around their ankle.  Surely this is bad toilet paper etiquette.  The bog roll is to blame but surely I'm partially to blame.  I saw someone with toilet paper stuck to their shoe and did nothing to remedy the situation.  I'm part of the reason that a person is walking around with bog roll on the shoe. Of course there are times when I've told people about the toilet roll.  Times when I've been in less of a deep thinking kind of mood.  Or drunk.  Either way it's not like anyone has turned around and slapped me in the face. How dare you advise me of the fact that I have bog roll stuck to my shoe!  How very dare you!  Or, actually this is the latest fashion.  Are you mocking my fashion.  No it's never happened.  People normally politely smile, say thank you and then remove the offending piece.  Some have more success than others but this is normally relative to the amount of alcohol involved in the situation.  I've actually tried the tactic of standing on the bog roll whilst the person walks away in an attempt to dislodge the bog roll without them ever knowing it was there.  Sometimes this is highly effective - though you must remember to remove the toilet roll from your own shoe.  Sometimes you just look like a stalker.  Based on the evidence it would seem that the safest and certainly most sensible option would be to simply advise the person that there is evil bog roll hitching a lift on the underside of their shoe.  Maybe avoid accusing the bog roll of actually being evil or you may get some funny looks.  But this seems to be the way to go.  At the end of the day no one wants to walk around with bog roll stuck to their shoe and I would say that most people would be happy to be alerted to the situation.  So there we have it.  Bog roll etiquette.  For the shoes at least.  Bog roll hanging out of someone's waistband?  Well that's a whole new problem.  


  1. Yes; well... And what about skirts tucked into pants... even worse!

  2. Skirts tucked into pants - sooooooo funny! But I'm just evil.


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