
21 July 2011

Solar Powered Stalky

Does anyone else lose their mojo in the winter months?  I feel totally lacking in motivation at the moment and seem to be constantly tired despite 8 hours of sleep.  Maybe I'm sleeping too much.  Maybe I'm a koala in disguise.  Maybe I just need to see some sunshine!  I guess the weather has a lot to do with it.  I woke up yesterday and it was pouring with rain, blowing a gale, cold and dark - even though it was 07.00.  There is nothing there that inspires me to get out of bed.  It actually makes me want to huddle down into the duvet and hibernate until summer!  When I wake up and the sun is shining and the birds are singing then I'm ready to leap out of bed and burst into song.  I'm pretty much a solar powered kind of person.  But winter is inevitable and with another month to go before Spring arrives I demand to have my mojo back.  I want my energy back.  I'm sick of feeling so lethargic.  I need a kick up the backside.  I've been trying to get up in the morning to do some exercise as that always energises me but I've been thwarted on more than one occasion by an inability to drag my butt out of bed at a reasonable hour.  It's the whole cold, dark, wind, rain thing.  Perhaps I need to develop a caffeine habit, though I'm not sure a buzzed Little Stalky would be good for anyone.  I can see I'm just going to have to have a word with Mystical Roo about the possibility of splitting our time between here and somewhere up North.  We can follow the sun, avoid winter and I'll be solar charged all year round.  Oh I'm full of wonderful ideas!  


  1. One of my neighbours has a cat named Mojo.

  2. There's an evil monkey in the Power Puff girls called Mojo jo jo

  3. Do you like eating eucalyptus leaves? Then, yes, you probably are a koala in disguise.

  4. Do you remember how you were got up in the morning when you were younger. Don't forget because Bear-z is on her way!


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