
02 July 2011

Whale Season

It's whale season again here and the whales are officially on the move.  I'm not really sure where they're going or even where they're coming from but I know that for the next few months the whales will be travelling through our waters.  Now I say it's whale season but I've yet to actually see one.  Everyone else seems to have seen one but I'm obviously in the wrong place at the wrong time.  To be fair, the view from my balcony shows the bay and really a whale shouldn't be in there.  If a whale was in there - like last year - it normally means it's poorly and not doing so good.  Duke has seen loads of whales from her house and today Monster Noggin said she saw like four whales.  Four whales!  Apparently there was much tail splashing action.  I'm missing out.  I can see that I'm going to have to go in search of whale activity.  Maybe when Mystical Roo gets home we can do the coastal walk or something.  I spotted whales the last time we did that.  And looked like a total tourist when I started hopping about, pointing and announcing to anyone who would listen that I had spotted a whale.  Not this year though.  I seem to be the only one who hasn't spotted a whale.  I'll have to go out and about and see if I can get me a photo.  I'm hoping to get a whale hanging out with dolphins.  That would be cool.


  1. Why did the whale migrate? He did it on porpoise.
    Why did the whale cross the road? To get to the other tide.
    (P.S. I don't like reading text in upper case)

  2. How do you weigh a whale? You take him to a whale-way station!

  3. How do you two know so many whale jokes?


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