
13 July 2011

Little Stalky Has Bad Skin

I'm currently very frustrated with my bad skin.  Horrible and evil spots that just won't go away.  Honestly, I never had skin this bad when I was a teenager and isn't that when you're meant to have bad skin?!  Just as I think my skin is starting to clear up I have another outbreak and feel like I'm straight back to square one.  What is up with getting spots in your mid twenties?  It's not fair.  I'm sure grown women aren't supposed to get spots.  But I do.  And we do.  I know I'm not the only one who suffers.  Is it hormones?   Is it wearing too much make up?  Is it some sort of conspiracy!!!  I put it down partly to stress and partly to the winter weather.  Sun, sea and sand seem to do wonders for my skin but I haven't seen a lot of that lately.  I try to tackle the bad skin with a number of lotions and potions but I'm not sure if these do much other than dry out my skin.  Then I have to moisturise.  El Kenco swears by savlon and a plaster to defeat the spots but I'm not sure.  I normally just end up looking stupid with a plaster stuck to my face.  Or I'll put some savlon on an evil spot, forget about it and then walk out the house!  Never a good look.  It would be nice to have clear skin.  To be able to head out without having to attack my face with concealer first.  To not scare small children.  To feel confident to look people in the eye.  Maybe I'll just grow my fringe out and go for the cousin it look instead.  That's sure to attract less attention.  


  1. If you can't hide it, then draw attention to it. Novelty plasters should help. I suggest ones that look like leopard skin sharks.

  2. You know - the one from "The Adams Family" Lot of hair. Squeaks.


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