I'm sure you're all eager to know how I've been getting on with my balcony top compost bin. I don't think we've had a garden update in a while. Well, I'm pleased to announce that things seem to be going swimmingly. Mystical Roo and I have been actively collecting our kitchen waste in a bucket and then depositing it in the compost bin. We've got a system now and find it easy to compost the compostable items. It's interesting just how many bucketfuls we get through and just goes to show how much compostable waste would otherwise be going into the landfills. I managed to get a break in the rain to go out and dump a bucketful of waste and give the compost a stir. It's looking good. Not too wet and not too dry and there are definitely no suspicious odours. If anything it smells a bit like oranges - a testament to the abundance or oranges I mentioned! Things are rotting down nicely and I excitedly announced to Mystical Roo that my carrots had gone all wrinkly. I do enjoy giving my compost a stir. There's something very satisfying about watching it change, even if it is a slow process. I feel this is just the start of future composting adventures. Just wait until I get an actual garden!
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