I met El Kenco for drinks last night. This was an impressive feat considering I live in Australia and she lives in England but hey ho. Details! As sisters we have to get together once in a while for girly chat. It's just one of those things. And unfortunately no one has invented a teleport machine yet - get on with it boffins! - and I can't afford to just hop on plane. Instead we met via Skype. For a glass of red wine and a girly natter. Time differences be blown! The timing was actually well suited for me as we Skyped at about 19.00 so it was almost mandatory for me to have a glass of wine in hand. For El Kenco it was 10.00. But as I said, time differences be blown! El Kenco shunned etiquette and was on the red wine with me. It's like drinking on Christmas day. It's ok as long as you don't make a habit of it and if special circumstances require you to be on the booze before lunchtime. This was a special circumstance. Because when meeting for a girly natter, a glass of wine is essential. So we met, we drank and we nattered for a good three hours. It was like going out for a proper drink. The only difference was not actually being on the same continent as one another and having a boyfriend in the background occasionally joining in with conversation. It was a good night and whilst El Kenco then went on to a Caribbean themed event, I promptly fell asleep on the sofa. We may be thousands of miles apart but we can still arrange drinks together. Cheers!
We do this every week with friends in the UK. It's called 'The Friday Night Club', and yes, we also drink red wine and natter.