
12 July 2011

The Dangers of Listening to a Hamish and Andy Podcast on the Way to Work

When I walk to work I'm pretty much always listening to my ipod.  The only exception is when I have forgotten to charge the ipod and run out of battery.  My mood will normally dictate what I actually listen to.  If I'm feeling energetic then I'll put some music on and pick up the pace.  If I'm feeling lazy - which is often - then I'll listen to one of my podcasts, my favourites being Mark Kermode's film reviews and the Hamish and Andy podcast.  I was introduced to the Hamish and Andy podcast on the road trip to Melbourne and I immediately warmed to their humour.  They're very funny.  And this is great for when you're walking to work as it makes the trip fly by but it's not without its problems.  It's all very well walking down the road listening to your ipod but when you burst out laughing it makes you look a bit peculiar.  It would be alright if other people knew what I was listening to but they don't.  At least I don't think they don't.  I'm just this random girl, walking down the road, giggling to herself.  If you couldn't see the headphones then I probably look like even more of an oddball.  I try to control myself but this normally results in a weird and random smile as I try to stifle giggles.  Not only that, I find myself agreeing with certain statements and then I'm nodding my head.  So I'm half laughing, half smiling and nodding my head.  No wonder people keep their distance!  And then you know what happens when you hear something really funny?  You laugh so hard that you start to cry.  And you laugh to the point where your stomach hurts and you can't really breathe.  So then you're half laughing, half smiling, nodding your head and then you're actually properly laughing but then crying.  All this whilst stumbling down the road.  And the last time this happened it was sort of raining.  So not only did I have all of that going on I had the whole umbrella up, umbrella down dilemma.  It's just too much to think about.  Are people judging me for my umbrella activity?  Are people shuffling away from me because I look like a loon?  Do I think far too much about what other people think of me?  I suppose I could strap some sort of sign to myself indicating that I'm listening to an amusing podcast and not laughing, nodding and crying at random.  Though that might serve to make me look even stranger.  Perhaps I should just embrace it.  Lose myself in the moment and go with the flow.  Less thinking, more laughing. 

1 comment:

  1. Amos and Andy I know, but not Hamish and Andy. I can't imagine there's any comparison!!


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