
05 July 2011

Non Apricot Related Wind Activity

I was woken up this morning by rattling windows and a sinister whistling.  Not an earthquake.  Not a strange whistling person tapping on the windows.  Just really bad wind.  And I'm not talking the apricot induced kind either.  This was - and continues to be - big wind.  Blowing in from I don't know where.  And causing a lot of noise and what not.  The first thing I saw when I turned on the news was that our area was on severe weather warnings with winds predicted to reach up to 110km/h.  I guess that's pretty fast though honestly, I have no concept of speed.  Or distance for that matter.  The speed, distance, time triangle is a mystery to me.  Oh it looks like such an innocent day outside.  The skies are blue.  The sun is shining.  The sea is calm.  But the wind is evil.  The wind is whipping around like it's going out of fashion.  I knew it was bad because not only were the windows rattling but things - namely plants - were getting tossed around on the balcony and I could see sand blowing through the air.  The plants are now safe, which I'm sure you're all very glad to hear about.  I'm not sure I expected the wind tunnel I was going to step into when I ventured outside to await my lift to work.  My hair might have been in place before I left the house but after that I had nothing to do but accept the windswept look for the day.  The wind was so fierce that my eyes started watering and my mascara started running.  The wind made me cry.  Not only that, I'm pretty sure that in that moment, if I'd made a little leap I would have been blown several feet backwards.  I was actively having to hold my position.  The wind was trying to force me backwards.  Evil wind.  Needless to say I turned up at work looking less than glamorous.  Wild hair.  Smudged make up.  It was like I'd just rolled in from a heavy night out.  I had to freshen up in the bathroom before venturing out to face the public.  And of course the wind was wreaking havoc at work again.  We had to lock one of the doors because the wind kept sneaking in and sending paperwork flying.  And you know what that meant.  We had to put up the "use the other door" sign which everyone ignores.  Fun times.


  1. Wind is the only form of weather that I really dislike. It causes so much damage, keeps butterflies grounded, and messes-up Lady M's hair. Yuk.

  2. Wind always makes me nervous and jittery. Diane the Dawg hates it too!


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