
13 April 2011

The Cold Snap

I'm definitely acclimatised.  We've had a recent change in temperature, struggling to reach the low twenties and it feels frickin' freezing!  I'm pretty sure that a few years ago that would have felt comfortably warm.  Now it's positively chilly.  And when the sun goes down?  My God!  I stepped out of the office at about 19.00 last night, in the dark and I shivered.  I actually shivered.  The drop in temperature can also be measured by the amount of people coming into reception to ask for extra blankets.  We'll be running out of blankets at this rate.  I want to tell people to turn the heating up but then maybe they're being energy conscious.  The houses in Australia are great in the summer, very good at staying cool but crap in the winter and not very good at staying warm.  They're designed for the heat and so when we do get a cold snap they seem unable to cope.  There's no double glazing, there's no central heating and so many houses have tiles rather than carpet.  I came home last night and there was a breeze in the house.  A breeze.  We have a rather handy reverse cycle air conditioning unit here but after last year's electricity bill we're never using it again.  So I came home and put on jogging bottoms, socks, my Norwich football shirt (OTBC) and my dressing gown.  A stylish look for the lady who likes to lounge.  And with Mystical Roo in Melbourne I've lost my in-bed radiator.  There's this dodgy cold patch on his side of the bed that I have to stay away from.  If I accidentally roll over there in the night then the cold of it wakes me up.  It's like there's a breeze in the bed.  The dressing gown is out in the morning and the slippers are on.  And I'm looking at my magical clock, which tells me that it's twenty degrees at 07.49.  And I feel cold.  I'm turning Australian.  I've never been great in the cold but this is ridiculous.  What am I going to do when we visit England?  I'll have to whip out the earmuffs.


  1. 20-25C is my favourite temperature. I'm slightly surprised that a Norwich fan should feel the cold so much. What would Delia say!

  2. Tricky time of year in France. Not quite cold enough to light the fire but chilly in the evenings. I favour snuggling under the fur throw on the sofa (remember the infamous fur throw, I knew it was a good buy!).

  3. ah yes. Weren't you going for a James Bond look at the time?


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