
05 April 2011

Mystical Roo: Snooze Button

At the moment Mystical Roo and I are trying to get up before work to do some early morning yoga.  So far we've failed.  The alarm goes off just before 06.00 but we seem unable to take that step and drag ourselves from the warmth of bed.  Instead, the alarm is snoozed a number of times before my alarm finally goes off at 07.00 and we realise it's time to get up for breakfast.  Alas, we don't have time for a yoga session.  Bad us.  I really would love to start the day with a spot of yoga and I'm sure we both have good intentions when we go to bed but something changes over night and we seem to wake up exhausted.  How does that work?  Surely the point of a night's sleep is to wake up feeling refreshed.  I can't remember the last time I woke up feeling refreshed.  Personally I blame the insane dreams I have every night.  Maybe if my brain was allowed to chill out for a bit I might have a more restful night.  As it happens I normally end up tossing and turning, sometimes shouting and generally not having a restful night.  So when the alarm goes off in the morning, especially on a morning when I have to get up for work, I don't always feel that inclined to get out of bed.  I actually get quite angry at the alarm.  Now we have two alarms set.  Mystical Roo has his set early in case he feels like getting up for exercise and I have mine set to the latest it can possibly be before I run the risk of being late for work.  So when Mystical Roo's alarm goes off at 06.00 I want it to stop beeping at me and be quiet.  But it's on Mystical Roo's side of the bed.  I've tried leaning over him in the past but my arms simply cannot reach.  I'm not going to get up and walk around the bed because that would defeat the object of my ignoring the alarm.  So I treat Mystical Roo as my snooze button.  He somehow seems to sleep through the beeping of the alarm or ignores the beeping of the alarm.  Either way there are times when he just lays there whilst I'm willing the incessant beeping to stop.  So I'll shuffle.  I'll huffle (another official word).  I'll make it painfully clear that the alarm clock is frustrating me.  Sometimes this works.  Other times not so much.  When this fails then Mystical Roo will normally get a poke.  My leg will accidentally shoot out and get Mystical Roo in the shin or my elbow will have ideas of poking Mystical Roo in the ribcage.  This normally does the trick.  And although I'll get in trouble for the poking - Mystical Roo claims not to believe my defence that I was asleep and had no idea what I was doing - Mystical Roo will hit the snooze button and I can snaffle another precious few minutes of sleep.  Of course the whole thing happens again five minutes later when the snooze has worn off.  The other morning there was great confusion when a bird was thrown into the mix.  I was actually genuinely not fully awake at this point and all I could hear was this constant chirping.  I remember cursing Mystical Roo's alarm clock and wondering why it was set on the weekend.  Then I remember doing my usual and wondering why Mystical Roo wasn't hitting the damned snooze button.  Did he not hear the incessant ringing of the alarm clock?  No.  Because it wasn't the alarm clock at all.  It was a random bird getting his morning sing on.  Oops.  So Mystical Roo generally acts as quite a good snooze button.  But only when he has control over the alarm clock.  As far as I'm aware Mystical Roo has yet to exert any power over the birds. 


  1. We had random beepage yesterday. Beep beep. Fire alarm batteries need changing downstairs. So Rabby put new batteries in. Beep beep. Must be the upstairs fire alarm. Rabby put new batteries in. Beep beep. Check mobile 'phones. No. Beep beep. It was driving me mad. So, time to track the noise. Difficult when it was only going off at random times. Finally traced it to spare bedroom. Chest of drawers. What could it be? Spare fire alarm in drawer. Whaaaaaaat!


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