After putting out his feeler God knows how many weeks ago, the strawberry plant has finally rooted itself. The feeler actually has two new plants but I must confess I've only rooted one of these so far. The one in the middle is always caught at an awkward angle and so doesn't stay put for very long. I'm hoping his little roots will get a bit longer and then he too can become rooted just like his friend. It's exciting times on the balcony. Soon I could have three strawberry plants on the go. I figure my newly rooted strawberry plant needs a couple of weeks and then he can be removed from the main plant. He can be set free. Sent out on his own. An independent strawberry plant making his own way in life and making his own decisions. OK I guess it won't go that far. But he will get new digs. He's in a little pot at the moment. Once he's established he'll be moved to a big pot. Now I just need to get the second plant on the feeler to stay put. Perhaps I should try some sellotape or teeny tiny stakes or persuasive conversation. I don't want the second plant to feel left out. Perhaps once the third strawberry plant goes on his way then the second strawberry plant can get his strawberry groove on. What I'm interested to know is, will these new strawberries chuck out feelers of their own? Are the strawberry plants set on balcony domination? Can I use the strawberry plants to intimidate next door's bamboo plant. I guess only time will tell.
Rabby says, yes, next year the new strawberry guys will send out their own feelers.
ReplyDeleteI just picked my first strawberry of the year! Think we're in for a bumper crop this year and no doubt Philippe will come round with a few buckets too. Maybe I should try making some strawberry jam?
Ours are doing very well too. I bought a couple of pucka strawberry pots this year, and I have green berries everywhere.... another week perhaps.