This year Mystical Roo and I will be taking part in Relay for Life, where we will "relay"for 24 hours in order to raise money for the Cancer Council. Relay for Life came to our town last year and we managed to raise something like $64,000. We as in the town, not we as in me and Mystical Roo. We're not that good. So we're doing it again this year as it was great fun and also helps to raise money for a wonderful cause. We join as part of my team from work and in the weeks before the Relay we'll be doing various fundraising activities as we (the town) try to beat last year's total. Over Easter we'll be having a bake sale, for which I'm hoping Ammy will whip me up some of her famous cheese straws, a fundraising BBQ and raffle. We've also got things like guess how many jaffas are in the jar. I know some of you are wondering what the hell a jaffa is and I can tell you now that they're rather yummy orange flavoured chocolate type things. Yes. At last year's BBQ I was helping with the spraying of exciting colours into small children's hair. Dangerous. Not only because I don't really click with kids but because I was let loose with a colourful hair spray. I know that my own hair was sprayed green. A good look. I ended up going for stripes and spots (which went down very well) and managed to avoid getting any kids in the eye. Result. On the day of the Relay we'll set up the tent and then start walking. We, me and Mystical Roo, don't walk for 24 hours straight but we, the town, will walk for 24 hours straight. The idea is to have at least one person from your team walking at all times. Hence the tent. We go in a circuit and change directions on the sound of a horn. I assume this is to stop us from getting dizzy. Along the way you walk past other teams' camps and can buy various fundraising items. I got myself a corn on the cob and Mystical Roo had to empty his pockets a number of times as we passed the sweet stand over and over and over. As well as raising money, the Relay is also used to remember those who have been lost to cancer and support those who are fighting it. There is an overwhelming feeling of togetherness as a community comes together to try and do something positive. Mystical Roo and I will be relaying from the 31st of April to the 1st of May. If you'd like to donate to our team then you can follow this link: Easties - East Beach Holiday Park : Relay For Life: Cancer Council NSW
This 31st of April, is it an Australian thing?