
30 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

So who watched the Royal Wedding?  I must confess that I wasn't all that fussed about it until the thing actually started and then I got sucked in.  Sucked in!!!  We had a fair few requests from campers that we screen the Royal Wedding and so had it playing on the big screen.  For those of us left in the office, with nothing much going on, we decided to get some live streaming action going on.  We had no sound and some decisively juddery pictures and although we missed the arrival of Posh and Becks we did see Julia Gillard (Australian PM).  I came home to Mystical Roo made pizza and a glass of wine and found that the Royal Wedding was playing on almost every channel.  So we settled down to watch it and I became embroiled in a Facebook commentary.  Was that a hat or a lobster?  What's happened to that woman's nose?  Don't the bridesmaids look lovely.  Then there was the anticipation of seeing the dress.  The dress.  Very important.  And I must say that Kate Middleton looked beautiful.  Every inch the princess.  After I'd seen everyone arrive and watched the couple exchange their vows I felt I'd satisfied my Royal Wedding needs.  It was nice to watch.  And it was nice to know that even though I'm half way round the world, I was watching the same thing as friends and family back in England and France.  The mind boggles.  

1 comment:

  1. I love watching these royal weddings, all the pomp and ceremony. And waiting to see first glimpse of the bride and THE DRESS! Such fun!


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