
29 April 2011

The Ultimate Norwich Fan

As mentioned in previous blog posts, Mystical Roo is a huge Norwich fan.  I've come to the decision that Mystical Roo is actually the ultimate Norwich fan.  I'm not sure if I know anyone as dedicated to his team as Mystical Roo.  Ok, I don't know that many Norwich fans, even less now that we live in Australia, but as far as fanship (is it a word?  It should be) goes, Mystical Roo tops the charts.  I like that he supports his team because of his personal connection to the city of Norwich.  He's not some glory hound (no offence team) just following a team constantly at the top of the league.  He supports Norwich through thick and thin and follows everything.  Everything. The coverage of football (which the Australians insist on calling soccer - bleugh) is poor over here and with Norwich in the Championship league there's even less chance of televised matches.  When the matches are televised it will be at ridiculous o'clock because of the time difference.  But if Norwich are on TV then Mystical Roo and Treacle will be there to watch it.  Midnight or four o'clock in the morning.  It makes no difference to them.  Even if Mystical Roo does have to head to work just minutes after the game ends.  And if they're not on the TV?  Then Mystical Roo will listen on the radio.  Which can only be achieved by streaming through the Internet.  Again, at stupid o'clock at night.  Then he'll YouTube the game so that he can see the goals he'd heard speak of.  Of which there have been quite a few at the moment.  Go team.  I don't want to jinx anything but it looks like we're set to go up in the world.  And there will be much celebrating.  I've been wearing my Norwich shirt every night (totally comfy) and there is a Norwich scarf draped cunningly over Mystical Roo's rocking chair.  One day I'm going to have enough money so that we can buy Mystical Roo a season ticket.  Then he can be the ultimate Norwich supporter in person.  And I might finally be in a position to buy my way into that Canary costume I've had my eye on.  And I can be the ultimate mascot! 

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