
24 April 2011

Steak, Sausages and a Colourful Beard

Mystical Roo and I have just got back from our fundraising BBQ, cold, a bit soggy, rather colourful but feeling pleased to have done something worthwhile with our evening.  The weather was promising when we left the house but true to Easter and BBQ form the heavens opened and it poured with rain.  Mystical Roo and I have yet to attend a fundraising BBQ without it raining.  I'm starting to think we're bad luck.  But I think everyone had fun and we've raised hundreds of dollars for the Cancer Council through our Relay for Life team.  Mystical Roo and I arrived at about 16.30 to prepare bread for the BBQ.  We're very experienced at this now and despite that fact that my bread counting skills are a bit iffy, I thought we did a good job.  Then Mystical Roo was on BBQ duty whist Monster Noggin and I took on the hair spraying; charging small children $2 to have their hair sprayed in various shades of colour and glitter.  Parents everywhere must have been thanking us for sending their kids back covered in hairspray.  But before we did the kids we had to do our own hair.  Advertise our handiwork and draw in the masses.  Monster Noggin had a rather fetching shade of pink sprayed through her hair and I had some purple and glitter in my pigtails.  We even managed to persuade Mystical Roo to get some colour put in his beard.  Yellow and green to be precise.  We thought it appropriate after Norwich hammered the scum - ahem - I mean Ipswich, over the weekend.  He looked cool.  And was in no way scaring small children with his yellow and green beard.  We had a lot of customers and were free to get creative with their hair.  They seemed happy and we in turn were pleased with our results despite the fact that everything was covered in glitter and colour.  It might have rained - as it always seems to do - but the atmosphere was great.  The band had the kids up and dancing, we sold out of food, we had a raffle, a guess the jaffas competition and masses of children wandering around with colourful heads.  A good night.  Now we're showered, Mystical Roo's beard is back to normal colour and the kettle is on.  Time for a cup of tea and a film!  


  1. Well done guys. Sounds like you had a good time. What was the Norwich score?

  2. 5-1 (to Norwich).

    I like the sound of 'Guess the Jaffas', or am I thinking of something else!

  3. For the record there were 1300 jaffas in the jar (orange flavoured chocolate balls) and we raised about $2,500. Go team! OTBC


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