Today I'm frustrated at litter bugs. Not just because I've been cleaning up after them all day but because it got me thinking about how litter bugs generally are just rude. Yes, rude. The litter bugs I've been cleaning up after have been inspired by the free chocolate eggs we've been giving out at work. Here, have a free egg. Drop your litter on the floor? Why not. It's not rude or bad mannered or anything. Every day for the last few days the floor has been littered in scraps of foil in various different colours. I'd blame it on the kids but I know for a fact that adults can be just as bad. If they're happy to throw their tin cans out of the car window then I'm sure they wouldn't think twice about dropping wrappers on the floor. After all, someone will clean up after them won't they? That someone has been me. With my crap hoover that refuses to pick up anything. It's not so much that I mind doing the hoovering, it's more that I can't believe so many people are so bad mannered. And you see it everywhere. Rubbish littering the side of the road, the parks, the beach. What's wrong with people. There are bins everywhere. Everywhere! It's not hard to find a bin. And if you can't find a bin then it's not exactly a hardship to keep hold of your rubbish for the couple of minutes it takes you to come to a bin. Do people have no respect for the beautiful country in which we live. How can people just dump their rubbish with no thought. It's just lazy. And selfish. And these litter bugs don't deserve their free chocolate. I'm confiscating the eggs!
Uneducated scumbags!