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Amazing jar of fruit pastels. Note: coriander trying to get in on the action in the background |
Mystical Roo and I have had a fairly productive day today, stocking up on items for winter and ensuring the cupboards are full of food. We actually invested in a horse today. Not a real horse. A fake horse. A clothes horse to be precise. It was a bargain at $20 but as is often the case with these kind of cheap items there was something wrong with it. It was missing a wheel. I was initially quite excited about it having wheels but then decided the wheels weren't that important. And I couldn't have a wonky clothes horse. Mystical Roos clothes pants might dry at a funny angle and that would never do. I guess I should have taken it back and demanded my missing wheel but I didn't think it was worth the petrol. Or the effort. We'd only spent $20 on the thing after all. So I decided to remove the wheels instead. With all wheels removed it would at least stand up straight and that was the main thing. I found a tool of some description in our drawer of doom and successfully - with no help from Mystical Roo - removed the remaining three wheels. I was very proud of myself. As well as our dodgy clothes horse, we also picked up some funky jars for the storage of pasta, sugar and sweets. Namely fruit pastels. I now have a massive jar full of fruit pastels. It looks superb. Less exciting items of purchase were light bulbs as both the light bulbs in the stairwell had decided to go on strike. No one likes a dark stairwell. Except vampires, stalkers and muggers. Quite frankly we want to discourage their presence. The trouble with replacing light bulbs in the stairwell is that they're rather high up. And one can't place a chair on the staircase. It's just not safe. As I don't have one of those cool ladders that El Kenco has had her eye on I decided that Mystical Roo and I could team up to change the light bulbs. So, armed with a new light bulb (an energy saver no less) I settled myself upon Mystical Roo's shoulders and then Mystical Roo stood up so that I could change the light bulb. A scary experience. Never have I felt so tall. But it worked. On the bottom light bulb at least. The one at the top of the stairs was not so easy. Stood on the tallest step, with Mystical Roo and me on his shoulders, we could not reach the light bulb. Then (Bear Z should stop reading at this point) I had the the genius idea to stand on the banister to reach the light bulb. I figured if Mystical Roo had a good hold of my waist then I would be supported and in a good position to change the light bulb. Still on Mystical Roo's shoulders I set about positioning myself on the banister but my body simply wouldn't let me move. It's like my brain went into sensible mode and decided that standing on the banister was not a good idea. Finally I made it though and was totally safe because Mystical Roo had his arms around me. I'm sure he was tempted to give me a shove but held firm. As Mystical Roo later noted, I moved my arms and nothing else as I went about changing the light bulb, frozen with fear of toppling into the abyss. With the vampires, stalkers and muggers. But I successfully completed my light bulb changing task and decided that Mystical Roo and I make a good team. Now we have light. And lots of it. No vampires, stalkers or muggers. And a massive jar of fruit pastels!
I hope you rewarded yourself with a fruit pastel!
ReplyDeleteI prefer wine gums (Maynards).