
18 July 2012

Absent Stalky

Well what a bad Stalky I am.  No blogging since...since May.  This is what happens when you move to the city and get a full time job.  You run out of time for blogging!  I've been conscious of letting the blog slide and will pledge to do better.  Methinks my days of daily posting are gone but I'm going to try and commit myself to weekly entries.  I don't have much time for writing at the moment but the crazy happenings of Little Stalky world are still going strong and if I don't vent these crazy happenings then things just get even crazier.  And there's only so much crazy a person can handle.  So, if anyone out there still cares - this is my attempt to get back into the blogosphere.   Stay tuned!


  1. I have missed your daily blog. But weekly Stalky World would be really good. Need to hear about your crazy happenings!

  2. I nearly sent out a search party.


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