As we're often on very different schedules for actually getting out of bed, Mystical Roo and I have separate alarm clocks. Actually, he has the alarm clock and I use my phone. I think Mystical Roo uses his phone too. As a somewhat deep sleeper at times, he needs a double whammy to wake him up. The thing is, when the sun is shining, when I have lots to do, I'm inclined to get up with Mystical Roo. And this tends to be quite early. My alarm clock, my phone, is rendered superfluous for that morning. But I forget to actually turn my alarm clock off. And at 06.30 it starts to chime away, playing Fur Elise over and over and over and over...........And no matter where I am (unless I've actually left the house without my phone - yeah right), no matter what I'm doing, I can always hear the alarm. If the TVs on I can hear the alarm. If I'm in the shower I can hear the alarm. If I'm on the balcony I can hear the alarm. And I know what you're thinking - great alarm! Yes, it does it's job. But it never stops. You'd think after half an hour the thing would just give it up. I'm awake already! But it never does. It goes on and on. And I should just go and turn the thing off but it always feels like such an effort to go back into the bedroom to silence the phone. But there's only so much Fur Elise a person can take in the morning.
Keep an Irish screwdriver (hammer) by the bed.