
02 September 2011

Little Stalky Goes to War on Fruit Flies

I'm currently at war with fruit flies.  I am determined to make my compost bin on the balcony scenario work and everything is fine except for the swarm of fruit flies that have taken up residence.  I believe the problem to be that there is too much kitchen waste in there so I've been trying to balance things out with shredded paper.  This worked at first but now I need more shredded paper and no one at work has been doing any shredding.  My source for shredded paper has run dry.  So today I'll be trying a new technique.  A technique suggested to me by the NSW government and their official website.  Surely they know what they're talking about.  Their suggestion is to lure the fruit flies away from the compost bin with a banana peel or two.  Apparently the smell of the banana peel is so delightful to a fruit fly that they simply cannot control themselves and flock to the banana peel like a moth to a flame.  Or a fly to a banana peel.  The plan is simple.  Place a banana peel in a sealed container and then poke teeny, tiny fruit fly sized holes into it.  The fruit flies will find there way in to the banana peel but won't be able to find their way out.  I guess they'll be high on banana peel at this point.  It's then suggested that I free the fruit flies, far away from the house.  I suggest that the fruit flies are squished but that's just me.  So this is what I plan to do.  I actually had to snaffle a banana peel from a work colleague yesterday because with the price of bananas at the moment there hasn't been a banana in the Mystical Roo / Little Stalky household in quite some months.  I'm not sure what's weirder, the fact that I asked my work colleague for her banana peel or the fact that she felt this was normal behaviour from me.  I guess by now the girls at work are used to the unusual Pom and her bizarre compost requests.  After all, work have so far provided me with bags of grass, bags of shredding and now banana peels.  Only yesterday I was eyeing up a couple of cardboard boxes.  Do they really believe I have a compost bin or do they think I've just fallen on hard times.  Who knows.  Either way, I came home from work yesterday, rather pleased with the fact that I had a banana peel in a bag.  Now all I have to do is put it in a bucket, get Mystical Roo to poke some holes and see if this works at deterring the fruit flies from their compost activity.  Little Stalky Vs The Fruit Fly:  The Battle Continues....

1 comment:

  1. I've recently been dumping barrow-loads of grapes on my compost and the fruit flies are unbelievable. YUK.


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