
19 September 2011

Cow Calls

I had a surreal day at work the other day because at one point nearly every other phone call was from local residents reporting on cows that were having baby cows.  Or calves if you want to be picky.  As a big holiday park that used to be a dairy farm we still have cows that chill out in their own personal cow fields.  They like to hang out, munch some grass, watch the day go by.  So when some of these cows started having baby cows it was a cause of concern for some nearby households who could see the cows from their windows.  And for some reason I was the one that answered all of the calls for help.  I think the other girls thought I was making things up as no one else seemed to be receiving these cow related calls.  But I got a lot of them.  There's a cow giving birth.  There's a calf that is being ignored by a cow.  There's a cow with afterbirth (what the heck is afterbirth?  I don't want to know).  There's a cow that looks like it's in pain - that'll be child birth then...or should I say cow birth.  There's a cow wearing a bowler hat and doing a little jig.  Ok that never happened but the way the day was going I don't think I would have been surprised.  The first call prompted me to call the park owner who was well aware of what was going on and assured me that the cows were being taken care of.  After that I then reassured the various local residents that the cows were indeed ok and being looked after.  It was like being a farmer for a day.  Or maybe a vet.  Or maybe a keeper of the cows.  But as much as I reassured the local residents it didn't stop them giving me detailed accounts of what they could see.  The baby cow looks sad.  The mother cow looks uncomfortable.  One cow has stuff hanging out of places.  And being the only person who seemed to be getting these calls I was bombarded.  I'd hang up and nod in acknowledgement that yes, it was another cow call.  Thankfully the cows now seem to have sorted themselves out and as yet there have been no more reports from concerned local residents.  But we've still got the whole summer to go.  

1 comment:

  1. We had one here about a week ago; right in front of the house.


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