
07 September 2011

The Lemon Tree Groweth

Check out the latest photo of the lemon tree in all of its lemony glory.  Yes, we're down to about three leaves (green mind you) but look at the baby lemon that's starting to grow.  Ok, it might not be a lemon just yet, it might just be a flower thing but as I said before - flowers mean fruit.  And there are a lot of flowers on my lemon tree at the moment.  You might remember that I posted a photo of the little red bud which had appeared.  I was unsure of what this little red bud actually was.  But now I know.  It was the beginning of a flower.  Which is the beginning of a lemon.  Look how he's grown.  He gets bigger every day.  I think with Spring finally here that the lemon tree is definitely perking up.  He's loving the sunshine and the warmer temperatures.  I think he's also benefited from my numerous words of encouragement.  I'm so excited by his progress.  Imagine how I'll excited I'll be when I can actually harvest my first lemon!


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