
01 September 2011

Little Stalky's Peely Skin

I've got some weird peely skin on my finger at the moment (I know, I know but I like to share).  Possibly the result of a rogue hangnail or something.  Anyway, this bit of weird peely skin has really been getting on my nerves.  It's sore and just keeps peeling.  I don't want it to peel too far or I might just lose a finger.  And I use my fingers an awful lot.  So today I opted for a plaster.  Or a band aid as the Aussies like to call it.  Many funny looks are received when one asks for a plaster.  So I plastered my finger in an attempt to stop the peeling.  This seemed to do the trick but my God, how annoying is a plaster on the end of a finger?  Very annoying!  It totally thwarted my typing and I was less than impressed when I kept mashing the wrong keys because of my plaster covered finger.  And the plaster wasn't even waterproof so upon washing my hands I was left with a soggy plaster.  No one likes a soggy plaster.  Then the plaster started kind of unravelling and I had bits of stringy plaster hanging from my finger.  In the end I gave up and decided that the peely skin was better than the pain in the ass plaster.  Now I've come to terms with my peely skin and am drinking wine and wondering why I feel the need to tell the world about my peely skin.  Stalky out.  

1 comment:

  1. That's funny I'm drinking wine and wondering why you needed to tell the world as well.


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