
05 September 2011

Little Stalky is Ruled by Colourful Stickers

I've just got back from the library after dropping off my own weight in books and returning with about half of that.  I do enjoy my trips to the library.  Book worm that I am, writer that I am, I feel rather at home surrounded by books.  I like to take my time perusing the various titles before making my selection.  So I was wondering today, what makes me choose the books that I do?  I know I go for a certain genre - horror, thriller, mystery, drama - so I use the library's colour coded system to scout out these books.  There is a red sticker with an H for horror, a black sticker for thrillers, a single H for historical books, a yellow sticker with an F for fantasy and so on.  What I can't understand is the 'A' sticker.  The 'A' sticker, I recently discovered, indicates that the book is Australian.  Written by an Australian author.  That's all well and good but it  hardly tells me what type of book it is does it!  I guess it's a way of supporting home grown authors but this is the thing I pay least attention to.  I don't care where the author is from I just care that they can write a good book.  What good is it telling me that the book is Australian.  Unless I feel particularly inspired by the title or the cover then I tend to just pass over the books marked 'A' because they don't give me any information.  They've lost me.  Couldn't these books have an 'A' and a colourful sticker.  That would be better.  I'm ruled by the colourful stickers.  Today I've come home with red and black stickered books.  There's not an 'A' amongst them I'm afraid.


  1. Under 'A' you may find (or could order) a book by my chum Mary Moody called 'Au revoir'. I'm in it, but I won't tell you under what name!!!!!


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