
16 September 2011

A Holiday is a Privilege, Not a Right

Do you know what's really been getting on my nerves at the moment?  People who think they're entitled to things.  Who think they're owed a living.  Who think that everything should just be handed to them on a plate.  It really gets my goat.  And I think what's been setting me off is the people whinging and moaning to me about the cost of the holiday they've booked.  It's like they want sympathy.  I almost threw the phone out the window on one day when a man got really cross with me because his holiday had gone up by the shocking amount of $5 per night.  This from the man who comes every year and knows there's a price increase every year.  This from the man who was told there would be a price increase.  This from the man who is taking himself and his five kids on holiday for three weeks.  Honestly!  The thing is, a holiday is a privilege, not a right.  Sure everyone is entitled to time off (though not all of us take it) but to actually go away on a paid holiday is not something that everyone can do.  I had one woman complaining that she'd just started a new business and wasn't sure if she could afford the holiday.  Well don't bloody well book the holiday then.  What are you doing starting a new business and booking a holiday.  You don't do both.  And she's preaching to the choir.  I know very well what it's like to start a new business and I know very well that after starting a new business some people haven't had a holiday in over three years.  I just can't get my head around all these people who think it's somehow their divine right to go on holiday.  If you can then that's great but don't have a go at me because you don't have an extra grand in your budget to go away for the week.  I have even less sympathy because I'm English.  At least if you can't go away on holiday here in Australia you're guaranteed some sunshine.  And most people live near the beach anyway.  If you can't go on holiday when you live in England then you know you're stuck with the rain and about two days worth of summer.  Now that's something to complain about!  


  1. little stalky is mad! and righly so! oh to have a holiday (*dreams*)

    Monster Noggin

  2. I haven't had an actual holiday for years. But I ain't complaining, I like it where I am.

  3. Expensive holidays are a luxury and a privilege, not a human right. But 'time off' and a break from the daily grind are essential for health and happiness. Hope you guys who are working your socks off get that break soon. x


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