I've once again found myself in another embarrassing situation courtesy of my dodgy hearing and my...well...Englishness. At work today one of the young ground staff - one I'd never seen before - came into reception to ask for what I could only interpret as payball. At first I couldn't hear a word he was saying and he was only a few feet away. I stood up and shuffled closer. He repeated his initial question but still I couldn't understand him. He may as well have been speaking gobbledygook because I couldn't make out a single word. I squinted, focused really hard, even put my hand up to my ear and asked him to again repeat the question. Again I couldn't understand him. This actually started to get a bit embarrassing because he was looking at me like I was crazy and his friend started laughing. Unfortunately for me the other girls were on the phone so I couldn't ask for assistance. I was stuck. He repeated his question and all I could hear was payball. Now I'm pretty sure that payball isn't a word. I repeated it to him. Payball? He said the word again and all I could hear was payball. I looked at him blankly. He tried to tell me it was the green folder. The green folder? What does the green folder have to do with payball. At this point I was starting to flush red as I just couldn't understand what he was going on about. I think it was a mixture of my poor hearing, the Australian accent and his mumbling. Eventually one of the other girls came off the phone. They hadn't heard the conversation but on seeing my confusion advised that the boys had probably come in for their time sheets. Their time sheets. Well time sheet certainly doesn't sound anything like payball. I scurried off to find it, couldn't find it and then had to come back to say that someone else had taken it. They left and I still had no idea what the man had been saying. I explained my conundrum to my colleagues who confirmed that payball was not a random Australian word and that they too didn't know what it was. Then it clicked that he could have been saying pay book. He was after the pay book. Not the pay ball. Well honestly. Who calls it a pay book! No wonder I was confused.
Why did you not take one of your many pens from your hair and ask him to write the offending word down.