I've recently become aware of strange, little black dots, which have appeared on the wall just behind my computer. I didn't pay them much attention at first and had just assumed they were some sort of paint fleck from an untidy handyman. But then I realised they were multiplying. And not only that, they were appearing actually on my desk and even on a sketch that Mystical Roo had done. And no, I'm not seeing spots. These little black dots are definitely real. But I have no idea what they are. They look like little poppy seeds just dotted around the place. But I don't think they're as innocent as all that. I think it's much more likely that they're some sort of alien life form. Or intruders sent by Will. Or fruit flies in disguise. I don't think there's much innocent about these little black dots. So I did what anyone would do. I poked one with a ruler. It was kind of stuck to the wall but with a bit of effort I dislodged it and it fell away without leaving a mark. Then I got a bit ruler happy and went to town on all of the little black dots. Now I think I'm fairly free of little black dots but I'm not convinced that they won't come back. I'd really like to find out what they are. And generally speaking, are little black dots friendly or a little bit evil? Should Little Stalky really be trusting the little black dots. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
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