
04 September 2011

Fruit Flies 1, Little Stalky 0

Fruit flies like bananas?  Fruit flies are uncontrollably attracted to the smell of the yellow fruit?  Fruit flies will swarm to the banana peel like fruit flies to a banana peel?  Well I don't bloody think so!  Honestly.  Mystical Roo and I set a fruit fly trap and do you know how many fruit flies we've caught?  Nil.  Nada.  Zip.  Not a sausage.  We tried a variety of hole sizes and Mystical Roo even added a helping of maple syrup to attract the little buggers.  But oh no.  They prefer the compost bin.  I feel as though I've been duped.  I feel as though the banana peel idea was just a big joke to make me look silly.  Make me snaffle banana peel from work colleagues.  Make me wave my bucket of banana peel at the compost bin.  Stupid banana peel.  Stupid fruit flies.  Gah!


  1. Get rid of the compost bin. Replace it with a camel.

  2. Hang one of those sticky fly strips from the inside of the lid. You know, the ones that you hang up and forget about until you walk into them. Hours of fun!


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