Demonic Domestic Devices Thwarted by Cape Wearing Do-Gooder
After recently discussing the woes we face when using the devilish hoover of doom at work, the beast has actually been recalled. I couldn't believe it! I came into the office one day and saw a newspaper article that actually highlighted the dangers of the hoover of doom and how a faulty part meant there was a risk of electrocution! My God! I knew it was evil. I knew it! So we've stopped using the hoover of doom and there is now a little sign taped to it's head to indicate it is to be left alone. I can see the anger simmering in it's plastic yellow body; it's chance to strike again snatched away. I'm always careful when I walk past it, fearful that it might reach out and snag my leg or something. But the floors still have to be hoovered and without an immediate replacement we've been using the hoovers from the laundry. These are monstrous contraptions that you strap to your back, thus resulting in the previously referred to "Ghostbuster" look. I'm happy with this look but those hoovers weigh almost as much as I do so it's a bit of a mission to lug around. But these hoovers seem to behave themselves and so far have neither fallen to pieces nor zapped me with static electricity. The only trouble is they're not so easy to just put down if you have to pause in your hoovering to assist a customer. Instead you have to serve them whilst wearing your hoover. This resulted in much smirking from a teenage boy who had asked me to get him some milk. I'm more than happy to get milk. But that day I had to get milk whilst wearing my hoover. So off I trudge, outside into the shop, back out into reception, all the time wearing my hoover like a little hoover tortoise or something. It's not the ideal way to get about but I guess it does the job. So that's another evil domestic device that has been thwarted. It makes me wonder if there is someone out there fighting for good. Someone pure of heart and free of lint. Someone willing to take on the machines that are bent on causing chaos. Who is this heroic do-gooder and does he/she wear a cape? I like to think so.
I've never seen a back-pack Hoover; in fact I've never even heard of them. Presumably they still have to be plugged into a power socket, or are they clockwork?
ReplyDeleteThey seem to be popular in the workplace. They're still plugged in but seem to have really long cords. You'd be amazed how tangled you can become when wandering around with a hoover strapped to your back.