It was the first day of spring on the 1st of September and what a day it was. It's like everything knew it was spring. I stepped outside the flat on my way to work and was immediately hit with a warm breeze. A warm breeze? And it was positively muggy outside. I'd put my jacket on because of the cold August winds I'd encountered recently but regretted it straight away because it was so warm. I know the girls at work told me the winds would stop once August was out of the way but really? The 1st of September? The first day of spring. How is the weather so organised?! I must confess I had a bit of a sweat on by the time I arrived at work and made a mental note that it was time to get the shorts out. Prior to my leaving the flat I had noticed a lot of bird activity but hadn't, at this point, pieced together that it was the first day of spring. The Johns from the fruit tree out front had made an appearance and I could hear them squawking away. Then I noticed a huge cockatoo chilling on the balcony opposite to ours. I never realise how massive these birds are until I see them up close. They're really big. And their yellow Mohawk style quiffs puff up when they caw. They're also really noisy and like to make a huge show of their presence. Look! I'm over here! Look at me! I'm a cockatoo and I have a big yellow quiff. After a while a few more arrived and the whole thing turned into one big cockatoo convention. Someone must have said something offensive though because they all took off rather suddenly. So, the birds are out in force and the weather has taken a turn for the warmer. Lovely. But spring isn't all about warm winds and cockatoo conventions. Sometimes it's about the bugs. The bloody bugs. I was at work until about 7pm, by which time it's become dark outside. A couple of us were just chilling in reception when the automatic doors open and a huge swarm of insects come swirling through. My first instincts are to flee. I'm not scared of bugs but these look like huge bitey mosquitoes and Little Stalkys don't react well to being bitten by huge bitey mosquitoes. In fact if you've ever seen my feet after they've been bitten by huge bitey mosquitoes you'll know that they swell up to look like crazy hobbit feet. Crazy hobbit feet! With the amount of bugs that have just flown through the door I figure if they all take a nibble then I'll essentially be reduced to one big swelling. And that's not cool. Having witnessed the crazy hobbit feet my colleagues reassure me that although these are big mosquito type creatures they're not the biting variety. I figure they probably know best but we still reach for the bug spray. The bugs are literally crawling everywhere. They're on the ceilings, the walls, the computers. Everywhere. We get some spray action going and it's not long before the beasties start to drop. In the end we have big mosquito type creatures all over the floor. Yuck. I've never seen anything like it and then the first day of spring and wham! Bugs everywhere. So spring has well and truly sprung. Looks like it's time for me to whip out the bug repellent!
Surely, if THEY all rushed in just as YOU were leaving; then that's a good thing. My logical suggestion is to always leave work in the dark. The office (?) lights will attract the little devils inside (as soon as the door is opened), leaving outside perfectly bug-clear!