
17 September 2010

A Hay Bale and a Half

I remember when we were younger we used to play in the farmer's field and climb on the hay bales.  I don't know what we used to do that was so much fun but we could lose hours in the hay bale field pretending that a tornado was coming or imagining the hay bale was a pirate ship or something.  Village folk.  We're a bit weird.  Anyway, I'm pretty sure the farmer had no problem with us in the field as we were good kids and didn't try to steal the hay bales or anything but there was this one dude, with a tash, who frowned upon us.  He and his tash; they frowned.  We used to hide from him when we saw his car coming by so that he wouldn't tell us off.  One time when he did catch up with us he gave us a lecture on how hay bales weighed a tonne and if one fell on us we'd be squished.  Scary yes, but I failed to see how a hay bale would fall on me when they were all sat on the ground and as far I as I could ascertain were not likely to be hoicked up into the air and above my head any time soon.  Random.  But the idea that a hay bale weighs a tonne has stuck with me to this day.  And I have no clue whether this is actually true.  Do hay bales really weigh a tonne?  Surely they vary in weight.  Who knows.  All I know is that I now think of tonnes as hay bales.  If someone says to me that something weighs two tonnes - and why this would come up in conversation is a mystery - but if someone says something weighs two tonnes I immediately think it weighs two hay bales.  I think in terms of hay bales!  This is not a normal thing to do!  I repeat.  Village folk.  We're a bit weird.  


  1. I think the old Mini used to weigh a ton. So, just to be on the safe side, maybe you should think in terms of Minis!

    I'm hopeless at estimating crowd numbers.

  2. The Popemobile weighs 2 tonnes. (Just some useless information for you!). The Pope is currently touring the UK in his Popemobile complete with 3 inch bullet proof glass. The rest of us mere mortals will just have to be satisfied with mobility scooters in our dotage!


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