
29 September 2010

Little Stalky is Baffled by Monster Chooks

I've noticed, whilst doing my food shopping, that Australia seems to be home to some rather large items.  Salmon portions for example.  We never used to get salmon fillets the same size back in say Tesco or something.  Here they're huge.  So big in fact that we buy one portion, cut it in half and still have plenty for each plate.  But I guess that's all down to how the salmon is cut and here in Australia they're obviously more generous with their cuts.  But what about chicken breasts?  Surely a chicken breast is a chicken breast and that's that.  So how come the chicken breasts here are comically large?  Ginormous!  The chicken breasts we buy here are just massive.  They belong in the same category as those ridiculously over sized sweet potatoes.  I can only imagine that there are massive chickens roaming around Australia.  Monster chooks that would tower over their pommy counterparts.  This can be the only explanation for these crazy big chicken breasts.  What are they feeding these chickens?  Protein shakes or something!  The only thing that baffles me further is that we seem to find it impossible to buy a decent sized chook to roast.  They're all piddly little things that barely serve enough for a Little Stalky and her Mystical Roo.  So how come, if there are huge chicken breasts out there, seemingly taken from massive chickens, are we unable to locate a massive chicken to actually roast!  I am beyond confused with this one. 


  1. I have an Auzzie cook book (The Noosa Cook Book) that instructs me to 'Take a No5 size chicken'. What the heck is a Number Five Size Chicken?

    As for your huge breasts (titter, titter), it's all down to hormones (titter, titter).

  2. A No5 size chicken? Why this simply adds to the bafflement. I'm going to have to consult the girls at work on this one.

    And less of your giggling! This matter of huge breasts is a serious one and requires our full concentration.


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