
20 September 2010

Super Furry Strawberry of Doom!

I'm a bit of a strawberry fiend and now that strawberries are on offer (or on special as my friends correct me) I like to indulge in a punnet on a regular basis.  For the ultimate strawberry experience I like to be super indulgent and have strawberries whilst in a big bubble bath, with wine and my book.  Most excellent.  So, whilst waiting for Mystical Roo to return from a business trip I was wallowing in the bath like a hippo, enjoying wine, book and aforementioned strawberries.  I love strawberries.  So, I'm munching away, munch, munch, munch when I reach my hand into the punnet and feel something that's not quite strawberry like.  No, not strawberry like at all.  My Stalky senses are tingling so I put the book to one side to stop myself from dropping it in the bath and sit up to investigate.  What rogue item has found its way into my strawberry punnet?  What foul beastie is lurking?  What the heckity hell has my finger just brushed?  Do I really want to find out?  Well, probably not.  There was no alien object lingering within.  Just a super furry strawberry.  A super furry strawberry!  I was horrified that this monstrous thing had been sitting amongst my other less furry strawberries and had to question how I had not seen this abomination when purchasing the punnet.  This thing had a full on quiff going on.  A white strawberry mullet.  A tuft of snowy tendrils.  It was disgusting.  I wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad thing that the thing had gone white and not green.  Maybe white is worse than green.  Who knows?  I wondered whether this thing had infected my other strawberries?  Would I wake up in the morning with a sore tummy?  What if I hadn't been paying attention (as is often the case) and slipped that thing straight into my mouth?!  The consequences would have been horrendous.  I stared grudgingly at my white haired strawberry, longingly at the remaining non furry strawberries but decided my little feast had been ruined.  Knowing a white haired beast had possibly tainted my snack I could not face another bite.  I closed up the punnet and instead returned to my wine.  I think I had nightmares that night.  Perhaps I'll be forever haunted by white bearded strawberries.  

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should just stick to the wine. And drink it out of a paper cup just to be on the safe side!


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