When Little Stalkys are subjected to changes in temperature they in turn change colour. And it's a little bit freaky! It's mainly my hands and feet that react and apparently it's something to do with weird circulation. That would be right; even my circulation is weird! So if I have a hot shower or something my feet go really red and the veins in my hands pop up and make it look like I have man hands! But when I get cold my hands and feet go purple and when it gets really cold my toes get really purple and my hands get orange spots. It's most peculiar. Sometimes my lips will join in and they'll turn purple too. That's got me out of PE once or twice when I didn't like the idea of playing hockey on an pitch solid from the ice! Miss, miss, my lips have gone purple! Why you're right. You must get inside immediately. Yes, yes I should. Maybe that's why El Kenco was the sporting genius and I was always in the B team. But El Kenco suffers too. I've seen her in the sea with very purple lips. And it wasn't because she'd been drinking red wine! Mystical Roo is often harassed by my purple feet and hands. Not only are they a funny colour they're also really cold. And when I get into bed with cold hands and feet the first thing I want to do is warm them up. And what's the warmest thing in the bed? Why that would be Mystical Roo. Sometimes I feign innocence when he yelps in protest but we both know that I know. Mwah ha ha. Sometimes Mystical Roo doesn't mind so much. If he's feeling hot or has a headache or something an ice cold Stalky hand on the forehead can be quite a good thing. When I went to get my toes done and had to have evil toe injections the nurse had to actually massage my feet just to get the blood pumping so that the anaesthetic would get a move on. It's like I have lazy circulation or something. So, when the weather get's cold I become and orange spotted, purple Stalky! We're very rare you know.
Thermal socks may not be very feminine or sexy, but I'm sure they come in faux-leopard; as probably do gloves!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny to hear a manly man squeal when you put your cold feet on them...
ReplyDeleteI think I need to start a Little Stalky Leopard Print Stuff Fund! Most excellent.