Use The Other Door!
At work we have a rogue automatic door. It seems to have a mind of it's own and refuses to yield to the rules of your average automatic door. If someone stands in front of it it won't open. If someone is no where near it, it opens. If it's bored it stops halfway and refuses to budge. It's just trying to do the opposite of everything it's supposed to do! Naughty automatic door. It's counterpart doesn't cause this kind of trouble. This one is obviously the attention seeker! So when the weather is bad and we can't be doing with the door opening at inopportune moments we lock it and put a sign on the door to advise our customers they need to use the other, more well behaved, door. This sign is large, well printed, easy to read and placed at eye level of your average sized person. Yet no one sees this sign! It's like it's invisible. Never before have I seen so many people ignore a perfectly obvious sign. We see them coming, striding towards the door for whatever reason and from the vantage point of the office it certainly appears that they see the sign yet for reasons unknown they just stare blankly at the door in what seems to be disbelief. How dare the door be shut. Open door, open! To be honest the door doesn't open at the best of times but there we go. So they peer in at us and start knocking on the door. And thus a weird mouthing, pointing scenario ensues that involves a bizarre mime with us as puppets and the automatic door and it's sign the puppet master. We point at the sign but people stare at us blankly, then we make a kind of weird arm crossing motion to indicate the door is locked. Still this doesn't work. Then there's the kind of pointing, head cocking movement that is meant to tell the person they need to use the other door. And then we mouth "use the other door" and then we shout "USE THE OTHER DOOR." And finally the penny drops. Something clicks and the person in question darts around to the other side and voila: uses the other door. Amazing. The worst thing is when it's hammering it down outside and some poor bugger is hopping around in front of the locked door getting totally soaked. Even Mystical Roo failed to see the sign when he came to collect me from work. Why Mystical Roo? Why did you not see the sign? He simply could not answer. Perhaps this sign has magical powers. Perhaps the automatic door has mastered mind control. All I know is that we need a new method to inform our customers that the door has been locked. A loud speaker perhaps.
Your sign is obviously much too big. It should be no more than 2 by 4 inches; and tie a Pit-Bull to the door. I think you'd find that they understand at once.