
03 September 2010

Little Stalky: Freaked Out or Freak?

I wear rubber gloves when washing up for three reasons.  One.  I like to protect my hands from going all wrinkly and stuff.  Two.  I can have the water very hot, which I figure must be better for killing germs and what not.  Three.  I'm seriously freaked out by things that float around in the water.  I do NOT want anything in there touching my hand.  Eugh, eugh, eugh!  Mystical Roo finds this laughable but I don't care.  My hands are not going in the sink unless they have rubber glove protection.  On a grander scale, I'm talking about the ocean here, I don't like it when things brush against my legs.  Seaweed being the main culprit.  That stuff just sneaks up on you and wraps it's slimy tendrils about your person.  Not cool seaweed!  Not cool.  No one likes to be snuck up on.  I think I'm still traumatised from our trip to Tobago where a crab nipped my foot.  That's scarred me for life.  Now I can't go in the sea without waiting for something to grab me from the depths below.  Bloody crabs.  I'm also freaked out by loose hairs.  I don't care about hair that's actually attached to a person or a thing but hairs without a home?  Run away!  This is why I have to obsessively hoover the bathroom floor because I hate seeing random hairs stuck to the tiles.  Yuck.  And the weirdest thing about this weird weirdness?  It's mostly my hair that I end up hoovering.  And still it freaks me out.  I also have a thing about the feel of paper against my teeth.  Now you might ask, Little Stalky, why are you eating paper?  But I'm talking about tearing open a paper wrapper with your teeth, or shoving an envelope in your mouth because your hands are full.  The feel of paper against teeth is for me like someone scraping their fingernails down a chalk board.  It literally sends shivers down my spine.  Other things that freak me out are frogs, fish, fish with legs and that advert with the scary dancing babies...Ok now I've shared my crazy with you all, I'm off to do the dishes.  With my gloves on! 


  1. I'm surprised you don't wear your rubber gloves when you go swimming in the sea. Or maybe you do!

  2. Have you thought of seeing a sink-shrink?


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