Wild Weather...Part 3?
Who knew that Wild Weather would have so many sequels! Apparently the weather is pretty wild where I live. So on Sunday I was woken up to the sounds of my windows rattling in their panes as huge gusts of winds ripped through our town. Bloody wind woke me up before the alarm clock did! Bah! But this was some serious wind. This isn't just leopard print umbrella stealing wind. This is the type of wind that will nick off with a whole shop full of leopard print umbrellas! I've honestly never seen anything like it. The trees were swaying, the windows were rattling and the ocean was huge. Somehow there were surfers out in the swell but I don't know how they could see a thing because the spray coming off those rollers was immense. There wasn't a bird in sight. And then, as I sat eating my lovely high fibre breakfast, I see some sheets flying past the window, twirling round and whipping towards the sea. Someone's not going to be happy when they realise the wind has stolen their linen. Obviously they don't have the hurricane force pegs that we do. And I'm serious about that. Our pegs were advertised as hurricane force. We bought them because Mystical Roo is drawn to anything yellow and green but obviously hurricane force pegs is what you need out here. So I was working on Sunday and Mystical Roo kindly drove me down to the holiday park so that Little Stalky was not blown away. The ute was rocking in the wind and I wondered how things would be going at work. Not great apparently. The wind, which we now know reached up to 100km/h had taken down numerous trees in the park and was causing chaos throughout. We had vans crushed, cars crushed and even a few people hit on the noggin with low flying branches. Luckily no one was seriously injured but there was quite a lot of damage. Things were being ripped off of caravans and the phone was hot with callers describing bits of van hurtling by. For a few hours it was just mayhem and then at lunchtime, as if by magic, the wind simply vanished. It had dished out it's tree felling wrath and then buggered off leaving us with a lovely sunny day, blue skies and a lot of firewood. Bloody wind.
We once lost a large garden parasol in the wind. We never did see it again. Raining here!
ReplyDeleteIf your pegs are hurricane proof, how come your underwear ends up in the trees?
ReplyDeleteBecause those pants are sneaky!