30 September 2010
Little Stalky is Thwarted by Gobbledygook

29 September 2010
Little Stalky is Baffled by Monster Chooks
I've noticed, whilst doing my food shopping, that Australia seems to be home to some rather large items. Salmon portions for example. We never used to get salmon fillets the same size back in say Tesco or something. Here they're huge. So big in fact that we buy one portion, cut it in half and still have plenty for each plate. But I guess that's all down to how the salmon is cut and here in Australia they're obviously more generous with their cuts. But what about chicken breasts? Surely a chicken breast is a chicken breast and that's that. So how come the chicken breasts here are comically large? Ginormous! The chicken breasts we buy here are just massive. They belong in the same category as those ridiculously over sized sweet potatoes. I can only imagine that there are massive chickens roaming around Australia. Monster chooks that would tower over their pommy counterparts. This can be the only explanation for these crazy big chicken breasts. What are they feeding these chickens? Protein shakes or something! The only thing that baffles me further is that we seem to find it impossible to buy a decent sized chook to roast. They're all piddly little things that barely serve enough for a Little Stalky and her Mystical Roo. So how come, if there are huge chicken breasts out there, seemingly taken from massive chickens, are we unable to locate a massive chicken to actually roast! I am beyond confused with this one.
28 September 2010
Step Away from the Bronzer!
I've really got to stop watching day time TV whilst I do the ironing as it seems to send me into a frenzy. This is never a good thing when holding a hot iron! Today I've been watching that same woman who annoyed me before by announcing to the world that if you don't have curves you're not a real woman. Well this same presenter has today been discussing the benefits of bronzer. On men. Now I'm not going to judge anyone who wants to wear bronzer and if there are guys out there who care that much about their tan then whatever but they'd pulled in this poor bloke and started to analyse his skin tone. He was about fifty. And a butcher! And these stupid people are telling him he needs to where bronzer. Why does he need to wear bronzer? If he wants to wear bronzer that's ok but why does he need to wear bronzer! They then start advising all of the men out there to start dipping into their girlfriend's beauty supplies. I like to think of myself as a fairly open minded person but if I caught Mystical Roo dipping into my beauty supplies I think I'd be a little concerned. Not only because he'd most likely be destroying my products but why should Mystical Roo be wearing make up. Mystical Roo no! Put the bronzer down. There's already enough pressure on women to wear make-up and look perfect but now it seems men are being attacked too. For not wearing bronzer. When in the world did it become a frowned upon thing for a man to not be wearing bronzer. Sometimes I think I must be behind the times. But honestly, I don't care.
27 September 2010
Return of the Roach

26 September 2010
Summer Approacheth!

25 September 2010
Demonic Domestic Devices Thwarted by Cape Wearing Do-Gooder

24 September 2010
Things That Go Bump...Next Door
Today I've been up to my Little Stalky cleaning antics, which usually involve much wearing of a tracksuit whilst listening to and dancing to my music. I had a proper spring clean today and for some reason was overcome with the need to organise my wardrobe. As you do. I felt better for it though and discovered clothes I'd forgotten I even owned. Some so old in fact that they've come back into fashion. Good job I didn't throw them away! The thing that did get me thinking was the discovery of three pairs of knickers in my underwear drawer that don't belong to me. I know my pants and I'm certain that these rogue items are not mine. This got me thinking, I must have somehow inadvertently stolen someone's pants! I have no idea how this happened but I can only imagine that either El Kenco or Monster Noggin are missing their undies. So ladies...I might have your pants! After putting my wardrobe back in order I got on to the less interesting jobs of cleaning the bathroom and hoovering the floor. With the hoover whirring, occasionally growling and my music at a decent volume I didn't initially hear the random noise that began vibrating through the room. When I did, I jumped and thought it was my phone ringing. I leaped for the phone, then the second phone - Little Stalkys require two phones; one is like a bat phone - but neither was making any noise at all, let alone vibrating. I switched off the hoover and then proceeded to yelp in surprise as the vibrating noise swiftly turned into a rattling / banging noise. On guard, I spun a circle but still could not identify the noise. It was only when I heard the squealing of a drill next door did I realise that the neighbours were apparently partaking in a bit of DIY. I didn't even know we had neighbours. But obviously we do. Loud, drill using neighbours. Maybe they were retaliating against my music but it wasn't that loud. The drilling continued for another five or ten minutes before vanishing as suddenly as it had appeared. I'm glad because I'm pretty sure our neighbours were close to coming through the wall!
23 September 2010
Little Stalky Goes to the Zoo
You've got to love trips to the zoo; especially in Australia where you get to see kangaroos and koalas! Mystical Roo and I have been to a few wildlife parks and every time I'm drawn to the same animals. I want to stroke the koalas and feed the roos. Then I'm happy. We actually went to Australia Zoo in Queensland where I was actually able to hold a koala and give him a cuddle. It was amazing! Here in New South Wales it's illegal to hold koalas like that but we still get to stroke them and look at them. And smell them. At the wildlife park in Nowra the koala dude insisted we all take a good whiff of koala. Smell a koala? Well, when in Rome...So we all sniffed the koala, who I must say smelt rather lovely. He had airs of citrus about him mixed with a kind of cigar box smell. Perhaps the koala had been eating lemons whilst enjoying a smoke. Who knows. We also got to hold a snake on that day, which was most excellent. Rabby and I had our photo taken whilst Bear Z watched on in horror. Snakes aren't everyone's cup of tea. Mystical Roo is ok with snakes. In fact, one tried to stowaway in his rucksack! I think they'd made friends. After cooing over the koalas I love to go and see the kangaroos. They're seen as a kind of pest over here but I think they're adorable. And so friendly! Or pushy, in some cases. They bounce straight on over and start looking at you with wide eyes in the hope of food. One of them had a kind of yokel look on his face, with a strange jaw and sticky out teeth. We didn't want to be rude but we had to put his food on the floor. I think if he'd taken it from our hands he would have left teeth marks! At one point Bear Z found herself surrounded by what can only be describes as a throng of roos. She was thus named Queen of the Roos. Some of them get a bit impatient with you and one roo, who shall not be named, actually nicked off with a whole bag of feed. Greedy little bugger. But still cute. You can't stay mad at something so cute.
22 September 2010
Little Stalky Predicts the Weather
The weather was gorgeous yesterday. Blue skies. Sun shining. Hardly a cloud in the sky. And yes our air conditioning unit decided to break down but we try to ignore that. Yet on this seemingly perfect day I can sense that a storm is coming. If you could hear me saying this imagine me with a beard and pirate voice - aye there be a storm a brewing. Yes indeed, Little Stalky can predict the weather. What a lovely day. Yes, but there's a storm on the way. But how do you know? Well, I looked at the weather website. No! I have a monster headache. Or to be more precise I have a monster headache of doom. And this is how I know a storm is coming. These headaches build like the weather and reach an eye squinting level of intensity just as the rain starts to fall. Yes it's cool that I can predict the weather but it would be even cooler if it didn't involve a monster headache of doom. Perhaps hiccups or something less painful. Or maybe even impromptu singing. I guess that could be embarrassing. And just to confirm everyone; I was right. There was a storm. My headaches can predict a storm as well as my hair can predict the humidity!
21 September 2010
Use The Other Door!

20 September 2010
Super Furry Strawberry of Doom!

19 September 2010
Bad TV Reception is Not My Fault
I'm starting to get frustrated at work with the amount of people who complain about bad TV reception. I accept that poor TV reception can be an annoying thing, especially if your favourite show is on but honestly people, the whole town has bad TV reception and there's nothing we can do about it. If it was something I could control then please, tell me off if I've done something wrong but I promise you there is nothing I can do. I get bad TV reception at home so yes you're going to get bad TV reception in your tent. And really, you're on holiday, you're camping - do you really need to watch TV that badly. Talk to each other, play a game of cards, go out for a drink. It doesn't matter! Just please stop whining at me that you're going to miss your show because my hands are tied - as much as I'd like to I have no power over the TV signals. If I did, we'd all be watching Scrubs or something and there would be no sport in sight. So when you think about it, it's probably a good job that I don't have control over the TV signal. It could be mayhem. I try to do my best for customers, I really do, and I'll always go out of my way to fix any problems but I'm on the verge of breaking over the TV reception saga. I want to grab some people and tell them there are more important things in life than watching TV. When you're in a gorgeous park with mountains, the ocean, an amazing town, so much to see and do, does it really matter, does it honestly make a difference, if you miss one episode of Masterchef! Step away from the TV and see the world.
18 September 2010
Little Stalky Get's Cold Feet
When Little Stalkys are subjected to changes in temperature they in turn change colour. And it's a little bit freaky! It's mainly my hands and feet that react and apparently it's something to do with weird circulation. That would be right; even my circulation is weird! So if I have a hot shower or something my feet go really red and the veins in my hands pop up and make it look like I have man hands! But when I get cold my hands and feet go purple and when it gets really cold my toes get really purple and my hands get orange spots. It's most peculiar. Sometimes my lips will join in and they'll turn purple too. That's got me out of PE once or twice when I didn't like the idea of playing hockey on an pitch solid from the ice! Miss, miss, my lips have gone purple! Why you're right. You must get inside immediately. Yes, yes I should. Maybe that's why El Kenco was the sporting genius and I was always in the B team. But El Kenco suffers too. I've seen her in the sea with very purple lips. And it wasn't because she'd been drinking red wine! Mystical Roo is often harassed by my purple feet and hands. Not only are they a funny colour they're also really cold. And when I get into bed with cold hands and feet the first thing I want to do is warm them up. And what's the warmest thing in the bed? Why that would be Mystical Roo. Sometimes I feign innocence when he yelps in protest but we both know that I know. Mwah ha ha. Sometimes Mystical Roo doesn't mind so much. If he's feeling hot or has a headache or something an ice cold Stalky hand on the forehead can be quite a good thing. When I went to get my toes done and had to have evil toe injections the nurse had to actually massage my feet just to get the blood pumping so that the anaesthetic would get a move on. It's like I have lazy circulation or something. So, when the weather get's cold I become and orange spotted, purple Stalky! We're very rare you know.
17 September 2010
A Hay Bale and a Half
I remember when we were younger we used to play in the farmer's field and climb on the hay bales. I don't know what we used to do that was so much fun but we could lose hours in the hay bale field pretending that a tornado was coming or imagining the hay bale was a pirate ship or something. Village folk. We're a bit weird. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the farmer had no problem with us in the field as we were good kids and didn't try to steal the hay bales or anything but there was this one dude, with a tash, who frowned upon us. He and his tash; they frowned. We used to hide from him when we saw his car coming by so that he wouldn't tell us off. One time when he did catch up with us he gave us a lecture on how hay bales weighed a tonne and if one fell on us we'd be squished. Scary yes, but I failed to see how a hay bale would fall on me when they were all sat on the ground and as far I as I could ascertain were not likely to be hoicked up into the air and above my head any time soon. Random. But the idea that a hay bale weighs a tonne has stuck with me to this day. And I have no clue whether this is actually true. Do hay bales really weigh a tonne? Surely they vary in weight. Who knows. All I know is that I now think of tonnes as hay bales. If someone says to me that something weighs two tonnes - and why this would come up in conversation is a mystery - but if someone says something weighs two tonnes I immediately think it weighs two hay bales. I think in terms of hay bales! This is not a normal thing to do! I repeat. Village folk. We're a bit weird.
16 September 2010
When it Rains, it Pours...on Little Stalky's Head!
My God we've had some random weather here recently. After the mental winds from a week or so ago we've now had mental rain. And when it rains here it really rains! Poor Mystical Roo was out on the balcony again unclogging the drain so that our front room didn't get flooded. I think it rained all day and all night. And of course Little Stalky was working and so had another fun trip in the pouring rain. But remember everyone, I'm now prepared! With waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket and amazing leopard print umbrella. I'm pleased to report that the umbrella made it safely to and from work and was not nabbed or attacked by any rogue wind. No, yesterday it was pretty much just the rain and a lot of it. I had a pretty successful trip to work and it was only my feet that got wet. I know that my trainers don't seem to keep out the water but I thought I'd try it again anyway. Save wearing plastic bags around my feet (and I know this has worked before) I didn't really have any other option. I didn't walk into a telegraph pole this time but I did walk into a tree. I really must learn to watch where I'm going but I have to hold the umbrella at such an angle that it obscures my view. So I stumbled into this tree, wobbled a bit, muttered a polite hello to the tree and then continued on my way. It was at this point I realised my waterproof trousers had started foaming. Foaming! I have no idea where this foaming has come from. I can only assume that it's washing powder or something. So yesterday I turned up to work foaming at the legs. How delightful! I also met some ducks on the way into work, which was cool. I nodded my greeting to these ducks whilst chuckling to myself at how it was lovely weather for ducks. I'm so witty. The ducks accompanied me a short while before becoming distracted by something more interesting. Typical ducks. I think my colleagues have become accustomed to my turning up at work kitted out in wet weather gear and leaving puddles in my wake. I'm not sure if they noticed the foaming at the legs but no one said anything. I'm going to have to look at those trousers. They'll no doubt be used again in the near future and I don't want to become the foam girl or anything. Who knows, next time I might become enveloped in a huge ball of foam. Surely that can't be a good thing.
15 September 2010
Little Stalky Does Battle with the Frozen Chook

14 September 2010
Hoover of Doom

13 September 2010
Little Stalky Spreads the Word About Rogue Washing Machines...Whilst Getting a Hair Cut
Being the lazy Little Stalky that I am it often takes me ages to get round to going to the hairdressers. I've never been that fussed about getting my hair done but I have to maintain a certain level of appearance so I finally got round to booking myself an appointment. I actually live above the hairdressers so really I don't have an excuse not to go. I've recently started having colour put in my hair and that's turned my hair appointments into two hour long sessions! Mystical Roo must wonder where I've disappeared to. So I natter away to the hairdressers who always make me feel like I have a very deep voice. The hairdressers are lovely, very friendly but they do all have very "girly" voices. It makes my English accent sound very low and masculine. I know Monster Noggin has told me that she feels the same. Maybe with English accents we just have a different tone. Or maybe we just sound like men. Anyway, I was enjoying getting my hair washed as they always give you a little head massage that's nice and relaxing but the moment was pretty much destroyed by the woman next to me telling her hairdresser about her scab. Nice. I guess there's a certain element of responsibility for the woman to warn the hairdresser about her scab but the level of detail that then followed was in no way necessary. I think all of us were willing her to stop. But she never did. I then became distracted by the washing machine in the room next door. My ears perked up when I heard it bouncing and rattling much like our rogue ex washing machine. I did what any responsible Little Stalky would do and warned the hairdressers of rogue washing machines and their purple sock stealing ways. After that I was returned to my chair where two hairdressers started to blow dry my hair. I felt very important; like a model or something. Maybe they just wanted to get me out quickly in case I started gabbling on about demonic washing machines. I was out within two hours and must say it was nice to have my locks looking fresh again. I can confirm the do was a success because when I stepped out onto the pavement I got beeped at by a passing lorry. Who knew that lorry drivers had such high appreciation for a good haircut.
12 September 2010
Little Stalky's Purple Sock: The Mystery is Solved

11 September 2010
Moving a Fridge Using a Tiny Skateboard
Monster Noggin will be moving house this weekend and we'll all be on hand to help. I'll be assisting in the form of carrying small and light boxes whilst admiring the new house and the ocean view. I'm not much good at anything else. And it's not that I don't want to help, it's just that I tend to become more of a hindrance than anything else. Everyone puts me to shame when it comes to heavy lifting; Monster Noggin, Ammy, Duke. It won't be long before Squishy can handle more than me. I just seem to mess it up. I hold things at the wrong angle and lose my balance, I trap my fingers, I stumble up and down the stairs. Basically I'm rubbish. Ammy and I tried helping Mystical Roo bring our fridge up the stairs once and that was a terrifying experience. Mystical Roo had most of the weight and me and Ammy were guiding the fridge from the bottom but all I could see was this huge fridge and was convinced it was going to squish us. After that my assistance was no longer required. It should be fun trying to move Monster Noggin's fridge as that thing's a beast. I remember when we first tried to move it into the flat and the only way we could do it was by manoeuvring it onto a tiny skateboard before shimmying it over to the lift. I can't remember if we sent it up on it's own but I think anyone at the other end would have been surprised if they'd been waiting for a ride. Why hello, I'm a giant fridge. So I wonder whether we'll be enlisting the assistance of that tiny skateboard again. Maybe we'll have a better plan this time. Either way I know I won't be involved.
10 September 2010
Grocery Shopping: The Saga Continues

09 September 2010
Little Stalky Encounters a Blockage
Well it was very much like walking through a tree graveyard on the way to work today. After the horrendous winds from Sunday there were branches all over the shot and the carnage only grew the further I went. It created quite the obstacle course for a Little Stalky and her rucksack. Initially there was just the odd branch here and there but as I turned the corner onto one street the entire pavement was blocked by a massive tangle of branches. I wonder what's left of that tree if so much of it is piled on the side of the pavement. I considered this mighty pile of wood with typical Stalky curiosity but decided that to climb it would be foolish, to go through it would be impossible, to go under it would be unnecessary so I took the sensible option of going round it. This meant I had to go onto the road but with an average of maybe one car in ten minutes I figured I'd be ok. I skirted the barricade successfully and neither me, nor the rucksack, nor the leopard print umbrella were affected. I continued my walk to work without encountering any other such blockages but there were still a fair few branches lurking. That wind really did a number on the poor old trees. I'm a little bit nervous because more wind has been predicted for tomorrow. I'll be interested to see just how windy it intends to be...
08 September 2010
Stalky Against the Machines: Sofa Rage
I'm currently having a moment where technology is driving me fruit loopy. And I know I shouldn't complain, especially as I'm relying on technology to share this post with you all but honestly, things are about to get thrown. And I mean big things. If I could throw a sofa, I probably would. I like to think of myself as a fairly tech savvy kind of gal but today I've been pushed to the edge by computers and internet connections! Gah! I feel much of my frustration comes from having a limited amount of time to do all the things I want to do and realise that the one thing standing in my way of doing all the things I want to do is a stupid internet connection that keeps conking out for no apparent reason. No apparent reason! One minute it's connected the next minute that little egg timer appears that tells me my page isn't going to load up. Gah again! Now normally I try to solve these things by myself with a bit of restarting the computer etc, etc but today I was straight on the phone to the internet people and was quickly being talked through various processes to try and get things working again. The thing is, I don't think the woman on the other end of the phone really understood what I was saying and if I'm honest, I don't think I really understood what she was saying either. And then, just to top it all off, my phone starts beep beepity beeping at me whilst I'm trying to listen to the woman. And now we all know what beep beepity beep means don't we? Yes, it's low battery. And the charger is on the other side of the room. And the laptop doesn't like to be unplugged because it's battery is old and useless. So I give the phone a bit of juice to get it going, apologise to the woman who seems very confused by what I'm up to before running over to the other side of the room where the laptop is plugged in and then furiously unplugging random plugs to free up not one but two sockets for my phone charger. You see, the phone charger is a weird shape and will not, I repeat will not, happily sit in amongst another plug. Oh no, that beast needs two spaces all for itself. So I've unplugged God knows what, got the phone charging, got the laptop charging, am sat on the floor talking to the woman and then two minutes later there's a new kind of beeping in my ear and the line goes dead. I look at my phone in exasperation only to be greeted by a little flashing message advising me that the call has failed. The call has failed. Unbelievable. The wrath of the machines as they once again gang up on me. It's at this point that I gave up and made myself some beans on toast. So, if there's an unexpected absence in posts you know it's because various items, including the laptop, have been thrown out the window!
07 September 2010
Wild Weather...Part 3?

06 September 2010
Bedtime Adventures

05 September 2010
Spring has Sprung

04 September 2010
Little Stalky's Adventures at Alton Towers
Did you know that Little Stalkys don't like theme park rides. Not one bit. Yet I've been to Alton Towers twice. For those of you who don't know, Alton Towers is one of the biggest theme parks in England and is host to many terrifying rides. Now I'm not scared of heights, I'm not scared I'm going to fall out of the roller coaster, I'm not scared the roller coaster is going to break down, I just hate the flip flop feeling in my stomach when I'm sent hurtling around a track. So, my first trip to Alton Towers was a few years back and I figured I could go on some of the smaller rides and see what I thought. Mystical Roo and Monster Noggin seemed determined to get me on Nemesis but I knew that was never going to happen. Instead we arrived and they decided to get me to go on Air, a roller coaster where your legs dangle below you. A roller coaster with loops. I eyed this roller coaster with a suspicious gaze before looking trustingly at my companions. First ride of the day. We'll ease you into it. This ride is boring really. Yeah, it's so slow that we just talk all the way round. In fact, it's just a great way to see the park. It's like you're gently gliding above the trees. What a fool I was to ever trust! I should have trusted my instincts instead, as I stood in line for that dreadful ride. People are screaming, people are going in circles. Surely this can't be good. I remember waiting for our turn as the carriage pulled in, looking at Monster Noggin and Mystical Roo who smiled encouragingly. The harness clamped down over my shoulders and it was only then, when the chairs started to tip forward so that I was face down to the ground that I realised this was a bad idea. A really bad idea. I've broken out into a cold sweat just writing this. I try to block out my memories after that moment. I have vague recollections of dizziness and horror as the roller coaster whizzed around, up and down. I know I was screaming. I know Mystical Roo and Monster Noggin were laughing. I'm fairly sure they've regained feeling in their hands now but my nails were digging in rather deep. I got off that ride with a wobbly sensation and vowed never to do it again. Gentle glide over the park my ass. Honestly! So our next adventure was on the swinging pirate ship. How bad can it be? It's just like a giant swing. Look, there are small children on there and they're smiling. Ok. So, we get on the pirate ship. Sit at the back as apparently this is the best place to be. It starts swinging. I start screaming. In fact, I remember having to force myself to stop screaming because the aforementioned small children were turning around to see what all the fuss was about. I went foetal at that point and practically slithered off the seat as I tried to crawl underneath Mystical Roo. I'm fairly sure I had a tear in my eye as I willed that damned boat to stop swinging. I should have known better, what with my seasickness and all. A rocking boat? What an excellent idea. After that I decided I was best off carrying bags and eating sweets. Both of which I think I did rather well. After that day I discovered that the only ride I really enjoyed was the river rapids. Just the right amount of thrill for a Little Stalky and no seasickness! So the next time I went to Alton Towers I was happy to carry bags, eat sweets and take rides on the river rapids. And this time I had Duke to keep me company. The only problem was...the toes. A week or so earlier I'd had a lovely operation to remove ingrowing toenails on my big toes, was bandaged up and under strict instructions NOT to get them wet. So I'm wandering around Alton Towers in flip flops (or thongs if you're Australian) with two bandaged toes sticking out and the only ride I want to go on is the one that's guaranteed to get them wet. Yet somehow I reason that they won't. We're inside the boat after all and I'm not going to fall in the water. How wet can they get? Very wet apparently. Big whoops. After a boogie on the dance machine in the arcade Duke has to find me the first aid shed as my bandages are starting to unravel. Bad, bad Stalky. We find a nurse who kindly re bandages my toes for me and we leave the shed wondering how we can get back on the ride without getting the bandages wet again. Perhaps we should have just left it but we had a mission and were determined to find a solution! We ended up in a gift shop and decided to purchase some rather fetching plastic ponchos. These would surely protect us from the splashes of the rapids. Yes, but what about the toes. And then an ingenious solution. Why not wear bags over my feet? In fact look, lets ask the sales assistant if we can please have two plastic bags. The sales assistant obliges and I have two bright red plastic bags to wear on either foot. But how to fix them in place? Sellotape? String? Staples? Hmm. And then we realise Mystical Roo has left us with a pair of socks. Why? I simply cannot remember. All I know is those socks were put to most excellent use. So, bag on foot and then sock over the top of bag and voila! You have a crazy look. We headed back to the river rapids and received numerous amused glances. I was wearing a colourful plastic poncho, no shoes and over sized socks from which peeps of red plastic bags were poking out of. Who says I put fashion before practical! As ridiculous as I looked it solved the problem and my bandages stayed dry the whole time. Duke and I spent the rest of the afternoon going round and round the rapids in matching ponchos. Most excellent!
03 September 2010
Little Stalky: Freaked Out or Freak?
I wear rubber gloves when washing up for three reasons. One. I like to protect my hands from going all wrinkly and stuff. Two. I can have the water very hot, which I figure must be better for killing germs and what not. Three. I'm seriously freaked out by things that float around in the water. I do NOT want anything in there touching my hand. Eugh, eugh, eugh! Mystical Roo finds this laughable but I don't care. My hands are not going in the sink unless they have rubber glove protection. On a grander scale, I'm talking about the ocean here, I don't like it when things brush against my legs. Seaweed being the main culprit. That stuff just sneaks up on you and wraps it's slimy tendrils about your person. Not cool seaweed! Not cool. No one likes to be snuck up on. I think I'm still traumatised from our trip to Tobago where a crab nipped my foot. That's scarred me for life. Now I can't go in the sea without waiting for something to grab me from the depths below. Bloody crabs. I'm also freaked out by loose hairs. I don't care about hair that's actually attached to a person or a thing but hairs without a home? Run away! This is why I have to obsessively hoover the bathroom floor because I hate seeing random hairs stuck to the tiles. Yuck. And the weirdest thing about this weird weirdness? It's mostly my hair that I end up hoovering. And still it freaks me out. I also have a thing about the feel of paper against my teeth. Now you might ask, Little Stalky, why are you eating paper? But I'm talking about tearing open a paper wrapper with your teeth, or shoving an envelope in your mouth because your hands are full. The feel of paper against teeth is for me like someone scraping their fingernails down a chalk board. It literally sends shivers down my spine. Other things that freak me out are frogs, fish, fish with legs and that advert with the scary dancing babies...Ok now I've shared my crazy with you all, I'm off to do the dishes. With my gloves on!
02 September 2010
Little Stalky Investigates Random and Unidentified Noises
Today I was sat in the house on my own when I heard a random and unidentified noise. A kind of beep beepity beep. I sat up like a meerkat and looked around to try establish where the mysterious noise was coming from. I could think of nothing that made such a noise. I was mildly intrigued but not enough to bother to actually interrupt what I was doing. So I continued to read my book and then a few minutes later it comes again. Beep beepity beep. What the hell? I'm not worried as I don't think this beep beepity beep can belong to anything that devious. I've got the remote controls in my sights and the washing machine has been out of action for a while now so I know nothing is sneaking up on me, but what is this random noise. Back to the book and more reading but it's not long before the beep beepity beep is back beeping at me again. What the heckity hell? My curiosity gets the better of me and I start to search for the beep beepity beeper. However, the beep beepity beep is not a continuous noise so I can't follow the sound. I start rooting around my rucksack and find my phone blinking at me. Low battery. Beep beepity beep. Well honestly. Why didn't you say so. My poor phone. It must feel very unloved by me sometimes. I retrieved my sleepy phone from the bag and gave it some juice. That soon stopped the damn beep beepity beep. I honestly had no idea that my phone made such noises. Maybe it was frustrated with me and so found it's voice. At least the beep beepity beep was a normal noise. I've come across other random and unidentified noise that has put me into full on super Stalky ninja mode. I was in the bathroom a few weeks ago and I was convinced there was someone in the house. This led to much ear pressing to the door and hushed breathing. I was debating whether I should wait in the bathroom until Mystical Roo returned before realising that maybe the someone in the house was Mystical Roo. But should I call out? Hmm. In the end I became bored of lurking in the bathroom and ventured out into the hallway. It turns out there was no one in the house. It was just the wind. That damned wind again. When I was younger me and El Kenco came home and thought we heard someone upstairs. It was actually just creaky floor boards or something but still, we were fairly sure something weird was going on so proceeded to head upstairs with a roasting fork. As you do. I seem to be very suspicious of random and unidentified noises. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I suppose the washing machine was a noisy beast and I was right to be suspicious about that!
01 September 2010
Little Stalky Smells Fish
I was chatting to Mystical Roo and Monster Noggin about going to the gym and I started remembering various embarrassing Little Stalky moments. The type of moments that still make you cringe, even many years down the line. Like flying off the back of a treadmill and landing on your face. The worst thing about that was it was through my own complete stupidity that I ended up taking a nose dive. When preparing to take a break from the treadmill whilst it's still moving at full speed, be sure to remove both feet at the same time. Don't take one off and leave the other on. Because if one foot goes shimmying to the end of the treadmill, you can be sure that the rest of your body will try to follow. Not cool. But this is not the incident I was thinking about. This incident started with dinner. Back in England, the night before the gym session in question, Mystical Roo was cooking dinner. It was a smoked mackerel I think but that doesn't really matter. All you need to know is that fish stunk. Really stunk. And my pre-packed gym bag (I'm organised like that you see), coat and scarf were sat just outside the kitchen door in the hallway. When you cook and eat stinky fish it isn't always obvious how stinky it is until the next day because you kind of become used to the smell. I didn't realise how stinky it was until when I was sat at work with my gym bag under my desk and even then I didn't click what it was. I remember sitting behind the computer and wondering who was eating fish for dinner. Then it occurred to me that this fish eater was eating fish at a peculiar time of day. When the fish smell continued to linger it still didn't occur to me that I could be responsible. I spent a whole day at work with my stinky gym bag, which had absorbed all the fish smell from the previous night's dinner and I had no idea it was me. God knows what my colleagues must have thought. That maybe I was unclean? Or had a fish stashed somewhere for mysterious and possibly sinister reasons. Why didn't someone tell me the fish smell was lurking around me! Dude, you smell like fish, or something along those lines would have done the job. I guess everyone's too polite. Anyway, I spent the day with my fish smell before heading upstairs to the gym. I changed into my tracksuit and stuff but wasn't really paying much attention before I entered the gym. I went straight to the cross trainer, casting a mistrusting gaze at the treadmill and hopped on. Only then did it click. Then, surrounded by fellow gym goers and in a small space. Then I realised that the fish smell was me. I was smelly fish girl! Oh the shame. The smell seems to grow with every move I make and I can feel eyes glancing in my direction. As everything falls into place I want to protest and explain. I want to prove that I'm not unclean. It was the fish! The dinner from last night! I'm not unhygienic. And then what to do next. The longer I stay, the more I will inflict the fish smell on everyone. But if I leap up and disappear after less than 2 minutes on the cross trainer, everyone will know that I know that they can smell the fish smell. Maybe I could fake an injury or perhaps extreme lack of fitness. A bad idea as this will possibly result in another nose dive. In the end I can't take the fish smell anymore and I bolt. But with dignity. Slowly and with my head held high. Yes, I smell of fish. I'm fish girl. But I'm leaving now and we shall discuss it no more. I returned home that night and informed Mystical Roo we would never be having that fish dish again.
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