
16 July 2010

Ode to Robbie

In our current situation Mystical Roo and I can't have pets and that's a shame because I really miss having pets.  In England I had the coolest rabbit in the world and his name was Robbie; a cute Netherland dwarf with a feisty attitude.  I'd never owned a rabbit before Robbie and didn't realise what amazing personalities they have.  Robbie used to follow me round the house, sit with me on the sofa and watch TV and generally do cute stuff.  I could call him from the kitchen and he'd come running, assured of a grape or another bunny treat.  The funniest thing was when I used to do my yoga DVD in the front room.  Robbie used to go loopy over this and would run round me in circles.  When I was getting ready to do press ups he jumped on my back and just sat there and when I did rolls, he used to roll over too.  It had me in hysterics.  He was quite protective of me and used to get jealous of Mystical Roo.  I didn't know rabbits could growl but they can.  And they head butt too.  Poor Mystical Roo was rather bullied by Robbie.  My rabbit was also a bit of a thief too.  I came back from the kitchen once to find him nicking off with a slice of pizza about the same size as him.  After that it was a tuna sandwich.  Man that rabbit had an appetite.  He stole post too and once tried to run off with a birthday balloon.  He didn't realise the balloon was attached to the weight he'd grabbed and couldn't understand why this inflatable beast was chasing him round the room.  We gave him a little bunny bed in the lounge so he could chill out and he used to lazily sprawl out across it.  In a particularly lazy mood he grabbed his food bowl in his mouth, dragged it over to his bed and lay down so he could eat in bed.  Lazy or genius?  Who knows.  He was amazing. 

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