
25 July 2010

Stalky the Snaffler

As mentioned previously I'm an impatient little person, so when the post arrives in the red box next to the flat and Mystical Roo is still at work with the only key what is a Little Stalky to do but try and snaffle the post out of the red box via the small slit provided for the posting of letters.  Sometimes the postie makes it easy for me as the corner of various items will be dangling out the side and I can just whip it out nice and easy.  Good for me.  Bad for me if someone else decides to do the same thing.  Sometimes I have to go on a full on mission, trying to squeeze my hand into the letter box to retrieve what looks to be interesting mail but is more often than not some sort of bill.  It's always the exciting looking pieces likes postcards from France and handwritten envelopes that tend to linger out of my reach.  That's frustrating.  I probably shouldn't be trying to snaffle mail in this manner.  Apart from the obvious danger of a) getting my hand stuck b) getting my hand bitten by a spider / snake / land dwelling, post box inhabiting shark I must look like a bit of a random thief.  But sometimes the art of snaffling is necessary, nay essential for Little Stalkys.  Especially if that Little Stalky has ordered a surprise gift for Mystical Roo and needs to nab it before he gets home.  When I arranged to have the new Norwich football shirt delivered I kind of thought someone might knock on the door, but no, it was shoved into the tiny red letter box, it's grey plastic wrapping sticking out for all to see.  I was relieved to have gotten home first and thought it would be easy to retrieve but that beast was well and truly wedged in there.  I spent a good ten minutes gently wiggling that out of the letter box so that I could whisk it away for wrapping.  I must confess I did get a few looks that day but a snaffler must come to expect this I suppose.  I guess I could give up my snaffling ways and maybe get another key cut but honestly, would that be as fun?  It would take all the adventure out of my daily post checks.  So I guess I'll keep on snaffling.


  1. Delia would have been proud of you! But watch out for Red Backs.

  2. I think you should invent a snaffling gadget. You could patent it...

  3. Just remember what we found in our post box!!!!


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