
25 May 2011

The Basil Plant Feels Better

I've been very strict with trying to keep the basil plant in a routine that might make him feel better.  I decided that the cooler night temperatures had been having an unfortunate effect on my basil plant and that action had to be taken.  So, he's been coming in of a night and going back outside in the day.  I read somewhere that the basil wouldn't appreciate going from extreme to extreme and would need a kind of halfway point, like a garage or something.  Well I don't exactly have a garage.  Not one that I could leave the basil plant in.  He might get nicked!  So he's been coming into the laundry room instead.  It keeps a fairly steady temperature in there and the basil plant can benefit from sitting in the sink.  Water on tap!  Ha ha, I am witty.  He makes the whole laundry room smell like basil.  After a night out of the wind he then gets taken back out onto the balcony to sit in the sunshine.  Now I don't want to jinx it but I think he's looking better.  His bad leaves have fallen away and I can't see any new leaves looking poorly.  Also, he's developing new growth.  I'm hopeful.  It might be my optimistic nature but I can see him getting bushier, getting greener and getting healthier.  I think I've got a competitive plant.  He wants to be bigger and better than the others.  Here's hoping!

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