
22 May 2011

Drink on the Chin

Does anyone else have trouble walking and drinking at the same time or is it just me?  Unless armed with a straw I seem totally incapable of drinking mid stride without bashing my face with the can / bottle / cup and sploshing drink all over my chin and sometimes other parts of my Stalky self.  I just can't get the coordination right.  I literally have to stop walking if I want to take a drink.  Unless I have a straw.  I see other people strutting down the road whilst supping on their beverages so why can't I do it too?  Why can't I multitask.  And it's not just walking either.  As a passenger in a moving vehicle I have to wait for the traffic lights to be able to have a drink.  Otherwise it's drink on the chin all over again.  What on earth is wrong with me that I need to be stationary in order to enjoy a tipple.  Am I really that clumsy?  I think I'm going to have to go out armed with straws in case a drink is required whilst I'm in motion.  I'll smuggle them about my person.  Sneak them up sleeves.  Disguise them as hair pins.  Then I'll always be prepared.  Or I could just stand still.


  1. I come from a generation where eating and drinking in the street is simply NOT DONE. Therefore I am unable to make any rational comment on the above.

  2. That's why you can't master the art of drinking on the move. You were brought up 'proper' Little Stalky! So just don't do it.


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