
27 May 2011

I Can't Believe It's Another Woolworths Adventure

Yes, it's another Woolworths adventure.  Do I spend too much time there?  Probably.  But Woolworths is where the action is and with Trolley Dude's reign under threat and suspicious mind controlling jingles, there's not shortage of drama.  I'd ambled up to Woolworths yesterday after having my filling.  I think I might have been a little bit out of it at this point because I kept giggling and found myself feeling somewhat lost in the aisles.  What had I gone in there for?  Where was stuff kept?  Why are people giving me funny looks?  Maybe because I'm grinning to myself with a creepy lopsided smile.  I grabbed the items that I wanted and wandered over to the basket checkout where there was a very long queue with one girl serving.  I didn't care.  Couldn't have cared less.  I was in a very good mood and I've learnt that the less you care about these things the less they affect you.  No point in getting a grump on because it'll only put you in a mood.  So I had my basket on the floor, pushing it along with my foot and was minding my own business but I couldn't help but pick up on the conversation going on behind me.  Two old ladies were going on about the length of the queue.  They were not happy about the queue.  Who was in charge anyway?  Why wasn't someone doing something.  Were people queue jumping?  And then they got very cross about people committing the horrendous sin of bringing more than 8 items to the check out.  Shameful behaviour that.  They were most cross about this.  How dare their fellow shoppers overload their baskets.  Honestly, some people just don't stick to the rules.  I had never really considered this.  I had always just assumed this was the basket checkout.  If you had a basket then you went there because unless you have a trolley, how much can you realistically have?  Too much according to these ladies.  Disgraceful that people are so irresponsible.  And whilst they were busy admonishing people with more than 8 items I looked down into my basket and realised that I definitely had more than 8 items.  Probably more like 15 if you count individual lemons and what not.  And I might have felt sheepish.  But I didn't.  I felt mischievous and rebellious.  They were still ranting on about people and their overloaded baskets whilst I started unloading mine.  And I couldn't help but turn around and look at them.  Look at them and smile (bearing in mind half of my mouth is still numb so this is a very creepy smile) and slowly unload each individual item, blatantly announcing that I have more than 8 items in my basket.  I think I freaked them out a bit.  Crooked smiles have that effect on people.  Then I was overcome with the giggles again - I blame the anaesthetic - and had to force myself to behave lest I was dragged away by the men in white coats.  But I think I made my point.  There are more important things in life than whinging about people who have more than 8 items in their basket.  Imagining yourself as a walrus for example.  Very important. 


  1. You little rebel! I'm full of admiration. You should go to the dentist more often.

  2. 15 items instead of 8? I'm surprised you weren't hauled off in front of Mr Woolworth.


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