
30 October 2010

Little Stalky gets Accosted in the Library

One of the natural habitats of the Little Stalky is the library.  I adore books so I guess it's a good place for me to be but there's something else about the library that I find very calming.  So, book worm that I am, and apparent lover of library lurking you can often find me at - yes you guessed it - the library.  Sometimes I'm on the hunt for a particular book but other times I just like to browse and see what takes my fancy.  On the weekend I took a little trip to the library and was browsing the shelves when I heard heavy breathing behind me.  I couldn't help but picture a scene from Ghostbusters and wondered whether our library was haunted.  A quick sideways glance confirmed that it was not.  It was just a rather large man who was breathing with the exertion of standing up too long.  So, I continued browsing when suddenly two books were shoved under my nose.  I looked up a little startled and realised the heavy breathing man had stopped.  He actually wanted to let me know how good he thought the author of these books were and how much he enjoyed them.  That's fair enough.  Why not share your reading passion with a fellow library goer.  But then he decided that I absolutely had to read one and was waggling the books in front of me with such fervour that if I hadn't taken one I'm sure he would have fallen over.  I thought he'd leave me to my browsing.  Little Stalkys are not always the most sociable of creatures and I like to do my librarying (an official term) on my own.  But no.  After he'd praised his favourite author and forced a book on me he then wanted to slate other authors.  Cormack McCarthy to be precise.  He who so famously wrote The Road and No Country for Old Men.  He was ranting about how bad the author was and I just kind of stared, wondering whether it would be rude of me to run away and what kind of repercussions I would face if I disagreed with him.  Eventually he moved on and I was left wondering why I'd been accosted in the library.  Perhaps I look like an uneducated and illiterate fool who would select a bad book.  Maybe it was somehow obvious that I needed guidance.  Maybe the dude just wanted someone to talk to.  But libraries are not the place for talking.  Libraries are the place for reading.  For browsing.  For being quiet!  Maybe I should have shushed him and then legged it.  I know I'm being harsh with my whinging but the other thing about Little Stalkys is they don't like being told what to do!


  1. You see! My folding white stick idea would have come in handy again; although what you'd have been doing in a library is not so sure.

  2. Book sniffing? I can see the folding white stick is going to come in handy.........


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